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also, read my other soulmate au story. it's on my profile!


7 days, 21 hours, 53 seconds.

you let out a deep sigh as you looked down at the timer on your wrist. 

" are you worried? " a familiar voice spoke. you looked up from your wrist, gaining eye contact with yeona. 

" no, i'm just not ready, " you murmured and curled up on your couch, wrapping your arms around your knees. " i'm not ready to basically give up my freedom. "

the brown haired girl gave you a small smile. " but y/n, you'll meet the person who you are bound to be with, isn't that great? " 

 " you don't understand where i'm coming from, " you responded with a groan. "it just feels, weird."

" i guess i don't, " yeona stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

taehyung pov

" god, where are my sunglasses? " i heard jin hyung yell from the living room.

currently seated on my bed, i couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the chaos happening outside my door. i put my phone down, allowing myself to pay more attention to the conversation between jin and everyone else.

" uh, i think namjoon hyung borrowed them! " jungkook yelled back, assumingly from the kitchen. 

" KIM NAMJOON GET YOUR ASS HERE IMMEDIATELY! " a loud yell, clearly from jin, followed shortly after.

i let out a laugh, shaking my head. having six roommates was quite complicated at times, although it was worth it. the friendships we'd all formed throughout the years made it all worth it, even the long work days we endured. 

" taehyungie? " 

at the sound of jimin's voice, i turned my head towards the doorframe. dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, it was clear he'd just taken a nap. 

" what's up? " i replied, placing my hands in my lap. 

" i just woke up-" jimin started but yawned in the middle of his sentence." from a nap. "

his eyes proceeded to travel down to my left wrist, which was exposed. his eyes widened as he was clearly reading what it said.

" you're meeting your soulmate in 1 week and you didn't tell us?! " he shrieked, looking well awake. "this is huge! "

i shrugged and covered my wrist up, somehow i felt exposed. " i forgot. "

he gave me a sneaky smile before turning on his heel and sprinting out of my bedroom, his steps loud and clear. he isn't gonna-

" FAMILY MEETING! " he yelled as soon as he got outside my room. "EVERYONE GATHER IN TAE's ROOM! "

" what's happening? " jungkook asked once everyone had arrived.

jimin coughed before he started talking, as if he was about to announce someone's pregnancy. with a serious expression on his face, he looked over at me. 

" so our taehyungie here, is meeting his soulmate in 1 week! " he announced to the group, watching everyone's reactions closely. 

" HE'S WHAT? " seokjin nearly screamed as everyone turned to look at me.

before i had any time to react, yoongi grabbed my wrist and held it up for everyone to see. 

" he is, " yoongi stated, not quite excited as the rest. 

" isn't that when we're going to america? " hoseok spoke, looking completely bewildered, " for the tour? "

i shrugged, looking on the floor. 

" what if it's an american actress? " jungkook joked, earning a glare from me. 

" well, it is what it is, " namjoon said and crossed his arms. " nonetheless, we're very happy for you. "

" i'm excited to meet them! " jimin added. " i hope they're fun. "

y/n pov

" what are you doing? " you asked as you walked into yeona's room.

she was sprawled across her bed, phone in hand. her hair was now up in a bun and she'd changed out of her other clothes. now dressed in sweats and a hoodie, yeona looked different. 

" nothing much, just texting my soulmate. " she replied, putting her phone down. " is something wrong? "

you sat down beside her and ran your hands through your hair. 

" i'm nervous. really fucking nervous. " you stated, fiddling with your hands in your lap. 

she looked up at you in surprise. " why? " 

" what if they don't like me? " you asked, referring to your soulmate. the timer was ticking down every second, which meant you were getting closer and closer to meeting them. 

she just looked at you. " y/n, the universe wanted you two together for a reason. i'm sure there's nothing to worry about. it's okay to be nervous. "

" it just seemed so easy for you when you met jungwoo, " you explained. " you two are perfect for each other. 

" who's saying you and your soulmate won't be? " yeona replied, grabbing her phone once again. 

a/n; what did y'all thing of the first chapter?

a/n 2: this is me in june 2021 and I've decided to edit. I cringed SO MUCH reading this :'). 

bound to be || kth x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz