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" so i was 14 at the time and i had a sister. she was 16 and had just met her soulmate. the whole family was so happy for her because the guy seemed amazing. he was nice and kind to her, and he always joked around. everyone liked him. " you began. "but then, one night my sister called me at 3 am , crying. she didn't want to tell me what happened, she was at her soulmates house and asked me to go get her. i didn't have a drivers license obviously so i borrowed dads car and went to her soulmates place. i texted her saying i was there and weirdly enough, she came out from the window. "

" when she entered the car, she looked so vulnerable. her makeup was smeared everywhere and her hair was messy. she didn't even say anything except for me to drive, so that was what i did. " you continued.

" once we were home i took her to my room and helped her get her makeup off, without asking what had happened. i just assumed that they had a fight or something. but when i got back from the bathroom, she mumbled something i couldn't quite hear, and i asked her to say it again and, " you got tears in your eyes thinking about that night.

taehyung squeezed your hand in comfort.

" you don't have to tell me if you're not ready. " he whispered softly while playing with a strand of your hair.

you shook your head and continued. " she told me that they had a date during the evening and she was staying over at his place. she had fallen asleep and woken up to him kissing and touching her. she tried pushing him off and kept saying no but he wouldn't listen. "

" he raped her, taehyung. the guy who was supposed to be her soulmate. the guy she was supposed to spend her life with just raped her like it was nothing. i remember almost running to tell mom and dad but she begged me not to, afraid that they would hate her. even though i wanted to tell them, i made a promise to her that night, to never let anyone hurt her like that again. and a few months later, my mom found her in the garage, hanging from the ceiling, "

tears were running down your face, staining it. your makeup was long gone by now.

" a few hours after my mom called me and dad, i found a note in my room. " you explained, your voice cracking in the process.

" she told me that she was sorry for being a bad sister to me and that she wanted me to be happy. she apologised for something he did, it ruined me and our family. since then, i've despised the thought of gaining a soulmate. but with time, that sort of faded and when i met you, it clicked, " you mumbled. "

a few seconds later, taehyung wrapped his arms tightly around you. he stroked your hair with his hand, holding you tightly.

" i'm so sorry for your loss, angel. " he whispered against your hair.

" angel? " you murmured.

you felt him hum against you. " you're like an angel for me. "


i'm sad bc this book will only have a few more chapters :(

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