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you and taehyung talked for a bit, exchanged numbers before it was time to go home. he had asked you if you wanted to come with him to his concert tomorrow, according to him it was
' better for you to see what his work is like sooner than later '.

you thought about what to tell yeona, she would either freak out or don't believe you.

as you walked through the door, footsteps could be heard and soon yeona was visible.

" so, how did it go? " she asked you.

" good, we talked and exchanged numbers, " you told her as you walked into the kitchen. she followed right after you.

" what happened to your shirt? " she asked with a confused look on her face.

" he spilled his coffee all over me. " you said with a sigh. " by the way, i'm coming with you to the concert tomorrow. "

she looked at you in surprise. " but it's
outsold. " she said.

you have her a small smile. " no, i'll be backstage. " you told her.

she looked at you with wide eyes. " wait what? does your soulmate work on bighit or something? " she asked you.

you chuckled and shook your head. " his name is taehyung. "

" WHAT? "

taehyung pov

as i got home, i was immediately bombarded with questions about my soulmate.

" what happened? "  jin asked.

i sighed. " well, i spilled my coffee over her, and she didn't know who i was but her friend
does. " i tried explaining it to them.

" what's her name? " jungkook asked.

" y/n. " i said.

" that name definitely isn't korean, " namjoon said with a thoughtful look on his face.

" she actually told me that she speaks korean thanks to her best friend, " i said with a chuckle. " anyways, no more questions. you guys will meet her tomorrow anyways, "

" wait what? are you bringing her to the concert? " jimin spoke out in surprise.

" yup "

y/n pov

" what do i wear? " you asked yourself with a sigh. the concert was today and you couldn't really figure out what to wear.

in the end you just went with a pair of jeans and a boodie. you did your makeup quite simply.

as you walked to the kitchen, yeona was standing there on the verge of tears. " i'm actually gonna see them live! " she said.

you giggled at her state. " yes you will, now come on. your bus is waiting. " you said.

she nodded. " i'll see you afterwards i guess! " she yelled and waved her hand.

you waved back as you sat down on a bench outside the apartment. the car would be there to pick you up in about 2 minutes.

apparently you were gonna ride with the staff.

after a while, a black van pulled up and a man came out. " y/n? " he said as he walked up to you.

you nodded. " that's me! " you said and followed him.

you were sitting squished in between two stylists the whole ride. " so y/n, what do you do for a living? " the man in the front seat asked

" uhm, i actually am a professional stylist, so i basically just work at a makeup store in my home town. " you said as you fiddled with your fingers.

he hummed in response.

[40 minutes later]

the arena was pretty big, the car drove behind the whole thing to what looked like an exit.

before you got outside one of the stylists gave you a mask. " huh? " you said in surprise.

" in case anyone sees you. " she said with a smile.

you nodded and put it on.

as you entered the building it was just a long corridor. " where are we going? " you asked the stylists who's name was mina. you made sure to speak korean so she would understand.

she smiled thankfully at you. " we don't have much to do for another two hours really so just chill, eat lunch. but to answer your question, we're going into this room. " she said as you stopped outside a door.

you nodded slightly. you made sure to take off the mask before walking in. the room was pretty big. you sighed in relief once you realize that the group weren't there.

you asked the staff for permission to call yeona.

" hello? " she said on the other line.

" hi yeona! " you said.

" is everything okay? " she asked with a worried voice.

" everything's fine, we're in this room right now. i don't know for how long but they said about two hours. " you told her.

you heard her hum on the other end. " i have to go now, i'm meeting a friend. bye! " she hung up.

" y/n? " you turned around and saw the other stylist.

" yes minji? " you asked her.

she looked at you awkwardly. " uhm we are kind of one stylist short right now. she quit. so could you maybe jump in and help out a
little? " she asked.

" sure. " you replied with a smile.

just after, the door opened. your eyes flew to the door as seven men were revealed.

a/n; what did y'all think about this chapter?

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