02|changing tactics

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It took everything in Aria's power to not turn the alarm off and go back to sleep that following morning, but her mother calling her from downstairs helped get her up. The white dress she'd placed on her computer chair no longer seemed appropriate for today. Originally she'd planned to wear it to impress the rude guy from the café but now she didn't care enough to do it anymore – it was time to stop thinking about him. Instead she put on a more casual summer dress paired with her favorite white sneakers – then it was off to the car.

Well at the café her mother hurried to the back to begin baking and Aria got the rest of the place ready to open and of course her mind wandered to yesterday's encounter. Why did she have to be so enamored with this guy? He wasn't even special. There had only been one guy in her life and they hadn't even been dating, technically. At every party throughout high school a guy named Bobby Townsend always found himself around her and it would always lead to kissing and one time more than that. After that time he never came around her again. By then Aria had already made up her mind about all high school boys and while they stayed away from her she did the same from them.

"The morning rush will start soon, honey, are we ready to open?" Catherine asked her after an hour's worth of prep.

"We are ready to go as always, mom." Aria replied and tried to block out any thoughts of the opposite sex.

The usual morning rush showed up right on time and while it provided a great distraction for Aria the thought of seeing him still loomed over her ever the same. There was always the option of leaving early, like her mother always suggested, then she wouldn't have to see him at all but she knew there was a part of her that wanted to see him today. What if he had an apology ready for her and she'd mugged him off? Still torn about her decision she decided to wait until the last minute to make up her mind.

Once the morning rush had died down Catherine gave her a nod attached with a smile, "Shouldn't you get going?" She asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Aria felt torn but once again she looked at herself through his eyes; he thought she was foolish. It didn't matter how mature she thought she was, to anyone outside of the high school walls she was just another 18 year old who that she knew about the world. Aria sighed and washed her hands, took of the apron and hung it on the nail - perhaps it was time to realize the truth.

"Good morning, sir," Catherine said to whomever had caused the cowbell to ring, "what can I get for you?"

"If you don't mind I'll take my order from the lady over there, as usual." The voice said and Aria turned around to meet the person it belonged to. It was him.

Catherine gave her daughter an inquisitive look but obliged the customer and continued with whatever she had been doing. Since he hadn't looked at her yet Aria busied herself by stuffing her backpack with homework and her cardigan although it looked more like she was stalling for time than keeping busy.

"Double shot espresso and a caramel biscuit, thank you." Was all he said while scrolling on his phone.

If she had been any braver she would've told him a cold 'no', slung her backpack over her shoulder and left but Aria was weak still weak for him, so she began preparing his order in silence. It took seconds until she was done and she slid the coffee and biscuit over to him and finally he snapped his head up to look at her.

"Will you pay with cash or card, sir?" Aria asked him.

A smirk edged across his lips and Aria so badly wanted to wipe it off him, with her mouth, but she stayed tight lipped and waited for an answer from him. His answer was given in the form of his a $20 bill.

"You can keep the change," he mumbled but didn't move.

Aria glanced at the clock and realized it was time for her to get out of here and with her mother being busy with a new customer she grabbed her backpack, waved to her mother and exited the shop. She smiled shyly when she saw him follow her with his eyes when she exited the shop.

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