29|nerves of the night

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Officer Jordan appeared more intimidating among others than when he was alone. The second he was by his desk and out of earshot from colleagues his frown disappeared and he relaxed into his chair. He had asked her many questions but hadn't let judging eyes fall upon her when she had spoken and even if he had Aria wouldn't have allowed that to affect her words. She was staring at Officer Jordan as he wrote in a little notepad with a very sloppy handwriting, making it it impossible to read what was written. The evidence she had brought with her had been placed in proper evidence bags with labels on which gave her comfort. This should feel like the end but it didn't, so she intended to ask. 

"W-what happens now after this is done? I have filed criminal charges but what happens to them now?" Aria asked with a curious voice.

Officer Jordan closed his notepad and looked at her quickly before glancing at the pack of cigarette's on his desk, "This will have to be investigated first, most likely they'll bring the accused in for a statement and the evidence will be tested as well - if there's probable cause a warrant will be issued for their arrests." 

So this hell was far from over. A judge had to decide if their evidence was good enough and if they weren't the charges would be dropped and Brody and the rest would be able to move on with their lives. The realization of that scared her a little because it meant there was a possibility of running into Brody. Aria wondered if Rebecca and Jane had been informed of the same and how they were feeling about it. Aria leaned forward in her quest to find out the probabilities of this not being a successful case.

"I want to know what you think," Aria looked down, "just the thought of me running in to him...and him knowing that it was me that reported him...I don't know what he'd do." 

"Listen Miss; I think it's great that you and your friends are doing the right thing but from the looks of it--" he looked at the two evidence bags, "you'd need more evidence. You mentioned in your statement that you believe other's have gotten hurt by him too--if those girls came forward you might have a chance. But I'm really not supposed to tell you this." 

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about what you said. Is there anything else you need from me?" 

"Not for right now, if we need information we'll reach out to you on the number or address you filled out on the form." 

With that Aria got up and left his desk to sit where she sat before. Returning there she noticed the woman she'd seen before was no longer there. While waiting for her friends she wondered where that woman was going. Wherever it was Aria hoped she was safe there or if she felt safe anywhere. Aria wasn't so sure about her own safety anymore and felt foolish for having taken it for granted. 

Soon she was joined by Jane and Rebecca and they were quick to get to the car for a truthful conversation. Jane was tight lipped but didn't look defeated which was contrary to Rebecca's face that was filled with concern. Aria shared her sentiment and assumed they had been told the same.

"Is everyone--" Jane didn't get the opportunity to finish before Rebecca screamed.

"It's over, they aren't going to do anything! I told them everything I saw and everything that happened to me and to know that he might walk free--" Rebecca sighed and stopped speaking.

"We can't cry about this, it's procedure and always a possibility when doing something like this. We need to find out what to do to help the case go the way we want it to." 

"We need more witnesses--" Aria interjected at last.

"What?" Jane and Rebecca said.

"The officer I spoke to told me we need more witnesses. The evidence I came in with didn't appear enough to him, when I asked. So what we can do is find more girls who Brody has hurt." 

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