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It was fitting that thunder and rain poured down that morning because it complimented Aria's mood very well. Losing her morning shift also meant losing her car privilege so now she had to rely on the school bus, something she hadn't done for a long time. The foggy window didn't display much from the outside but that was just as well; Aria had her eyes closed and leant her head against the window, sulking to the max.

"You can sulk all you want but my decision still stands, Aria. Accepting it would do you more good than whatever you're doing right now." Catherine told her softly but Aria ignored her words.

While ignoring her mom her concerns grew large over the obvious encounter between Catherine and him, today. If Catherine had decided to inform him why Aria was no longer working mornings the probability that he would ignore her for any future run-ins was high, but there was a chance she was going to spare him a motherly talk and hope that the punishment did the trick. Aria was hoping for the latter. The punishment at hand didn't stop at her retracted morning shifts, her mom had also forced her to get rid of the clothes that was deemed 'too mature' for a high school girl. Gone was the navy skirt and the blouse she'd worn yesterday along with a few dresses and skirts that she'd bought unbeknownst to her mom. Aria's father, John, never called them back that evening and he most likely wouldn't here of the situation until he came back home for a brief moment.

"I know you're upset about the clothes too, but I promise we'll go shopping for some great things right before college starts. It'll be a fun mother and daughter day, like we used to have." Catherine had a happy and hopeful tone while trying to engage with her daughter, but Aria wasn't having it.

Perhaps she would thank her mother when she got older but that didn't discard the anger that was locked inside her. To be treated like a child while her mom knew her maturity was far beyond her age made her feel small and that angered her even more. Catherine's eyes were searching for Aria's and finally she obliged by looking at her tiredly.

"I think I'm just going to go to the mall with Julie and Maya to shop for college things, but thanks anyway." She murmured nonchalantly.

"Oh you say that no but once we're back on good terms I think you'll be singing a different tune." Catherine chuckled and shook her head at her daughter's antics.

Aria despised that her mom was so difficult to irritate but there was one person that would make Catherine's blood freeze in her veins. John. The marriage between Catherine and John hadn't been stable for years and in the past few years she noticed the affect her father's name had on her. Whenever she would bring him up Catherine would look sad and defeated, almost as if she'd lost 'the best parent competition' not knowing that John lost it every day he chose work over his family - but nevertheless he was a good weapon to use.

"Or perhaps dad will take me once he's back from his trip. I'm sure he'll enjoy an hour or two away from the computer - a real father and daughter day." Aria faked a smile and didn't meet her mom's disappointed eyes.

The silence that spread in the car grew large and Aria knew that her comment had worked, but it instantly made her feel guilty. She knew it wasn't her mom's fault for caring about her but how could she explain that there was nothing to worry about? This was a battle that Aria knew she had already lost and decided against begging her mom for her morning shifts and clothes back.

"Aria that was very low of you," Catherine declared with a shaky voice, "I understand that you're not happy about my decisions but to use your father to hurt me--I thought you were more mature than that." The car stopped abruptly in front of the bus stop.

The guilt grew large inside Aria's stomach and left a bad ache. There looked to be hurt in Catherine's eyes that Aria had never seen before and it was apparent that the declining marriage was closer to the edge than she had first thought. She had the option to apologize to her mom and move on but she never did; instead she let her pride win and stepped out of the car without another word. Catherine sped away in anger but Aria turned her back to ignore the sight.

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