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Think about us
~ Little Mix

When you're dancin' in the club
And the nights are getting hard.
Do you think about us?
Do you think about us?
When the music gets so loud
And the girls are all around
Do you think about us?
Do you think about us?


Chapter 2 : BAD BOY? MY FOOT!


While walking around the house,
I heard a noise .
Someone was screaming but the music was way too loud for others to even notice !

" Pleaseee just let me go!"

Just as I hear it once again , I peep into the room immediately from where the voice came . Hoping what I would see won't be too bad .

My eyes widened when I saw a thin boy forcing himself on a girl and another kinda muscular boy just watching them while chuckling .

I couldn't make out any faces due to the disguise but even if I did ,
I wouldn't even know who the hell they are .

Even though I regretted for not taking Karate lessons earlier , I somehow ended up in the room by following my instinct to do what's right rather than what's easy !

My entrance was quite a bummer because I almost tripped over the threshold but was saved by that muscular jerk 'unintentionally' .

" Who are you ?" he shouted after pushing me away , like I was a bug !

As if I was interested in staying close to him !

" Let her go " I stated while standing erect , trying to sound as authorative as I could .

" Is she your friend ?" he asked her

" No " she mumbled

" Why aren't you fighting back ? " , I asked her

The two boys just chuckled .

"There's a reason why everyone calls them bad boys", she mumbles

" Oh , is it sweetcheeks ?" , the thin one smirked and held her wrist .

" Bad boy ? My foot !
Let her go you bastard before I kick you where the sun doesn't shine "

" What did you say ?" he asked , now turned towards me

" Go " , I mouthed to her and she ran out instantly.

Great now I'm stuck with two fudgers !

" Ben , you go . I'll deal with her "

" As you say "

This ben or whatever who was about to harass this girl just went out after shutting the door . And now I'm stuck with the one on whom I kinda sorta fell .

This is so not good !

" Do you know me ?"

" Why ? Have you forgotten ?" ,
I say , sarcasm clear in my tone

He just shakes his head and continues,

" So do I know you ?" , he asks while taking a step towards me .

" No "

'Even if you did , you don't have enough brain cells to remember!' ,
I was smart enough not to say it out loud though

FAITHFUL BOND ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang