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People you know
~ Selena Gomez

We used to be close,
but people can go from people
you know to people you don't
And what hurts the most is
people can go from people
you know to people you don't!




I laid down on the bed while Chris was playing Pub G on his phone .

" So what should I do ?" I asked

No reply , as he was way too engrossed !


" What ? Act like a lady for once ",
he says and continues with his game

After 10 mins or so , he turns towards me .

" Say "

" Finally .. what should I do ?"

" What do you mean ?"

" Look , if I just act like nothing happened then I'll feel bad !"

" But you know the consequences , right ?"

" If I take a revenge , then they'll end up doing something worse , right? ",
I asked

" Well that's a bitter truth "

" Look I'm not afraid of them, especially not Royal"

" That's good but we can do one
thing "

" And that is ?"

"Let the Principal know "

" And act like a kid who complains everything bad to his mom "

" Bella , it's not like that but we can't just keep quiet , right ?"

" I know !
Okay then , tomorrow I'll do it "

" Good . We'll come with you if you want "

But would I be able to complain about Royal ?

" I'll do it myself , thanks though "

" You should sleep . You look sad "

" I am tired , that's all "

" Is it about Royal ?"

" If I say 'No' , would you believe me ?"

He shaked his head

" What was he like ? I mean before getting here "

" Definitely not how he is now .
I just don't understand , why did he turn out this way ?"

Is it because.... ?
But he knows better , Aunt Summer would never appreciate her son's behaviour this way .

" Bad influence , what else? " he says

" That I can see . But there's something else too "

" What ?"

" That's what I don't know clearly .
I just miss my best friend "

Someone's death is capable of changing you so much ??

I think it is , especially when that someone is very special .

" I think it's better if you sleep right now . Tomorrow we'll start fresh " , he suggests .

I tried to sleep but couldn't so I finally spoke,

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