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Drag me down

~One Direction

I've got fire for a heart.
I'm not scared of the dark.
You've never seen it look so easy.
I got a river for a soul.
And baby you're a boat.
Baby you're my only reason.

If I didn't have you
there would be nothing left
The shell of a man
who could never be his best.
If I didn't have you,
I'd never see the sun.
You taught me how to be someone. Yeah.

All my life ,
You stood by me.
When no one else was ever behind me.
All these lights,
They can't blind me.
With your love,
nobody can drag me down .


Chapter 25 : WE LOVE YOU


" Last wish ?!" I exclaim while glaring at Day and she gives me a shippish smile before running away .

I was about to go on her trail
but dad stops me mid way .

"Explain" he demands

Great !

" You are so dead!" I glare at her after she sticks her tongue out at me .

Dad crosses his hand and all of them are looking at me expectantly.

" First of all ,
he is just a friend and nothing else !
Second of all ,
he's name is Marvin and not Mario!
Third of all , he is not my
supposedly temporary bf !"

" But you said he's cute" Day shouts

" Cute?! He is eew " Royal says

" I just appreciated his cuteness , that's it " I say genuinely

" Jas it's okay " Mom smiles at Dad who has a look ,
I can't seem to figure it out .

But it kinda resembles to the one when I played Twister with Ro or
when I bought Joyce home because we had to complete an assignment together.

"If he calls again, tell him that
my daughter is off limits " , Dad says this to Royal .

" Gladly " he smirks

My phone starts buzzing again and this time , I am quick to respond .

I take it and pick it up .

" Hey Bella "

" Hi Marvin" I say and go away from that table to talk to him .

"How are you ?"

"I'm good , you?"

"Now that I am talking to you ,
I feel good"

"Are you trying to flirt ?" I chuckle

"Kinda , did it work ?"

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