Chapter 32

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They're here.

Of all the possible times they could come, they choose the ceremony!

Those motherfuckers!

"Delta, get the Deads ready and contact others. Axe, how far are they?" My Angel takes charge immediately, while I mind link the females and pups to hide. We have hidden basements under every house that serve as hideouts, and the only people who can open them are the pack members.

'Don't leave the hideout until I tell you it's okay.' I tell them before going to the dungeon with the Deads, my warriors, and my mate. I feel her hand tense in mine.

'My love, you should hide with the others. I don't want you hurt.' I try to reason with her, but all I get is a furious glare sent my way.

'Like I will let you handle them alone! Don't even think about it!'

"Beast, they're getting closer. The Dead patrol won't be able to stop them." Delta says, getting a message through the mind link.

"How many are there?" I ask as we get inside, heading straight to the armory. We may have been wolves for decades, but a array of weaponry is a must for every pack.

"Too many. WAY too many. We need help." Axe answers as I put on the bulletproof vest and gloves then load up my silver knives and gun.

"Number." Angel demands. She's in full battle mode, like when the Deads first came here. I still remember how she pushed me away.

"Over 200." The warriors and I turn to Axe in shock. Only my mate is not surprised as she gets ready, silently seething. Fuck. The others may not arrive here in time.

'Calm down. The first rule of fighting – don't panic, no matter who's your opponent. We'll be fine. Your warriors are strong and they know what to do.' Angel's calm voice resounds in my head, silencing Demon and making a calm feeling surge through my body. I have no idea how she did it, but with just a word Demon becomes a putty in her hand. Also, since she's Luna, her emotions affect the pack a lot. We all felt when she's on edge, angry or upset. Thankfully she knows how to block her mind from the pack. I don't even want to think about them feeling my mate's emotions while we're in the bedroom. That would be a nightmare.

We leave the dungeon few minutes later. Aiden and Asher, who came here few weeks ago, take charge of the Deads, while Angel and I manage our warriors.

"Deads – human forms, pack – wolves, since you're more accustomed to it. You'll take care of the shifted Undeads, or humans." My Angel orders as she fastens her harness. She has a lot on her, knives, katanas, bows, arrows and her favorite dagger that she straps to her thigh. Had it not been for the situation we're in, I would've laughed at her appearance. Wet hair, roughly pulled in a ponytail, my shirt, wrapped in a harness, my boxers and bare legs, with a dagger strapped to her thigh. She looks adorable and badass at the same time.

"Let's move! We have to get the fight as far away from the pack as possible. Don't die on me, guys!" I command before pulling Angel to me and giving her a passionate kiss, crushing her into my body.

"I love you, Angel."

"I love you, too, Leo. And Demon." She adds after few seconds, making Demon howl in my head.

We march in the direction from where the enemy's coming, but we don't make it far. They are closer than we thought. We don't even make it to the border.

"GIVE ME MY PROPERTY BACK, AND I'LL SHOW YOU MERCY!!!" An old man yells out when we reach them. The whole army of what seems to be about 250 men stops, waiting for orders.

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