Chapter 35

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I've been watching my Alpha get consumed by depression and self-hate for 5 years.

And he can't take it anymore.

Luna has to come back to him, heal him, bring him back.

The whole pack is struggling without our Luna, and it's been like that for years. I tried to at least talk to her, but the Deads on the border never let me in their territory.

They claimed the No Man's Land as theirs, establishing a pack of their own, with OUR Luna as their leader. It's now the Undead Land, as people call it. Other packs have tried reaching out to them, too, but with no results. They have completely cut themselves off from everyone.

Today is my last chance to change Luna's mind. Leo is planning on taking another Luna for the pack, giving up on his mate. And the woman in question is not a Luna material. AT ALL. She's materialistic, snobby, obnoxious and demanding. How the hell did she seduce our Alpha is a mystery, but I have a theory that she managed to do that because she made herself looking like Beast. She dyed her hair, wears contacts and makes everyone call her Angel, just like Leo used to call his mate. She must've caught him in a moment of weakness, since he didn't object when she asked him to mark her.

And it's going to happen tomorrow.

I will not let it happen.

And neither will our pack.

Mason convinced the pack members to join us on our quest to bring our rightful Luna back. We all know we're basically committing treason against our Alpha, but we just can't see him being manipulated by that bitch Olivia. She copied her whole look after Luna, just to get the position. Power hungry bitch!

"Are we all ready?" Mason asks everyone as we're near our border, getting ready to cross into Undeads' territory.

A loud and definite 'YES!' resounds from the pack. I exchange anxious looks with Mason, before we move.

We're swarmed by a bunch of Deads before we can even reach the first mile.

"State your business or get the fuck out!" Steele's angry voice is the one to greet us. I've fought side by side with him, but he treats us like fucking rogues.

"We need to see our Luna. Steele, please try to understand us. Our whole pack is crumbling without her. We're about to lose everything!" I plead with him, and I see his expression drop as my words register.

"I know what's been going on in your pack, so you don't have to explain." He sighs dejectedly before leading us further into their territory. I knew he would understand.

"Beast, there are some people here who would like to talk to you." He speaks as soon as we all enter the huge mansion.

The sound of quiet footsteps reaches me as Luna walks down the hallway. The sight of our whole pack in front of her makes her eyes widen for a split second before she schools her expression into a hard, cold look.

"Arena." She says just this one word then turns and leaves. She's looking much better than our Alpha. There is this aura of authority around her, and the leather she's wearing makes her look even fiercer than before.

Steele gestures at us to follow him and I'm assuming he's taking us to this 'arena' Luna spoke of.

The area we enter is a huge empty space with a ring in the middle and rows above rows of seats. In the corner of the room there's a big armchair. Luna makes her way straight to it, sitting down.

"Take a seat. Let's hear it." Her cold tone almost makes me flinch. She's so different.

Mason is the one to speak first.

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