Chapter 9

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Danielle POV

Swinging around as I dance around in my cell I giggle happily. If only Jay would dance with me but he's too high in the clouds to bother with that. I don't need drugs to get up in the clouds anymore, the therapy fixed that. The world is such a colourful place now. I have to admit that the day after the therapy my mind was all mushy but that's okay, Joker took care of me in his moments of clarity. Today though, today everything is wonderful.

A butterfly lands in my hand, a pretty little purple butterfly. Gently bringing my hand to my face I blow on the wings to make it fly back to its family. There's three butterflies waiting for it, all different sizes, colors and patterns.  

"Aren't they pretty Jay?" I turn around beaming at him as he lays on his bed. He pushed that bed as close to the bars as he could just this morning before the doctors came with his pills. Isn't he just the cutest. 

"Sure are, darling" He mumble with an outstretched hand. I take it and spin around before settling down leaning my head against the bars. 

He gently tug his hand out of my grasp before bringing it to my hair and start running his hands through it. Smiling I lean my head against the bars happy to be able to give him this comfort as I can feel him slowly relaxing. 

I can see Frost looking at me time to time, I guess he's worried. He shouldn't be, I'm more than good. Sometimes when I try to sleep I can feel his eyes on me, constantly watching me. I'm supposed to have another session with Bob tomorrow and just thinking about it brings dread up inside me. If I've ever been scared of a person, truly scared then that is nothing compared to how scared I am of Bob. No one suspects he'd ever do something like this, he's just so nice looking and innocent. My mama always told me to not judge a book by it's cover but I wouldn't see this coming even if I read the book. 

The slow ticking of the clock used to bother me but now it sounds like music to my ears, it's a sign that even though this moment may suck it will pass. 

Jay's hand suddenly stop it's journey through my hair as we both silently observe the many gueards that enter our ward. This many guards only come in here when they either transport us to the yard (but that's only on wednesdays) or dinner time (we get lunch and breakfast in our cells) so it's dinner time now. They're a bit early but that's okay, I wasn't busy anyways. 

Standing up I put my hands on the bars and wait for Wicken to enter, I've learned that it's better to just do it than wait for him to ask for it.  Today he doesn't touch me  improperly but that may be because I tried to bite him yesterday when he did. A giggle bubbles out of me and I can tell by the slap that he didn't think it was as funny. 

Walking into the canteen today was different from the last time. Last time everything seemed so intimidating and almost kind of scary but today I don't feel any of that. I grew used to it is my guess.

Plopping down on a vacant table I start eating and before long everything on my plate was gone. I didn't even notice how hungry I've been. Twirling a spork around the table boredly I wait for the guard to tell us that it's time to leave. 

"Hello clown slut" Friend stealer sneers as she and her friends sit down opposite of me. 

"Hello" I greet her

"I can't uh help but notice the absence of Joker" She tells me with a weird emotion in her dark eyes. 

"So? We're not attached to the hip y'know" I tell her uncertain to where this is going. 

"Good, did you know that everyone in this place thinks you're a whore?" She tells me obviously trying to get a reaction. But I ain't buying it, nuh huh. 

"That's too bad but guess what? The lion doesn't concern herself with the opinions of the sheep" I state to her not falling for her tricks. 

" So you don't care that this whole place is talking shit about you behind your back?" 


"Well you should. Everyone noticed the way you instantly clung to him the moment you got here" He's attractive, sue me bitch.

"Do you want another tray in your  face?" I ask her, the threat behind it clear. 

" What I want is for you to stop clinging to things that aren't yours"  Cry me a river with those pathetic jealous tears. 

"It's cute that you think that I care about what you want" I chuckle at her before standing up. 

It's true that I to some degree clung to him the first day but there was just this instant attraction or connection between his. There was nothing cheesy like fireworks or the likes of that but there was a connection. Jay also kind of in a very manly joker way clung to me and has been ever since. It's not love, I'm not sure I even know what love is. You can't define what we are, we take care of each other, always. He's different from the rest and I like that, as I've said before his crazy matches mine. Besides we weren't always together, now was an example of that  and I had my friend and he had his goons that he liked to plan evil plans with. Plus he's a very attractive amazing guy so what girl wouldn't want to get a piece of that. 

Realising I was kind of standing in the middle of the canteen I walked over to the table Edward was at and sat down. 

"Hello friendo, what wonderful things have you been up to?" I ask him leaning forward. 

"Nothing really, been thinking a lot" he answers avoiding eye contact. 

" About what?" What? I'm curious, sue me. 

"Just things" He says. 

It's clear that he wants the conversation to end there but I live for making people uncomfortable. 

"Wanna know a funny thing?" I not so much ask him already giggling. I have a problem with laughing before and during I tell people things. I mean why would I tell a joke that I don't find funny. 


"I named my neighbour Bartree" I'm full out laughing now. "Get it? Get it?" I manage to get out while laughing. 

"No" he answers obviously not getting it. 

"It's cuz he bangs his head on his bars in three's, three is tre in swedish" I laugh out holding my stomach. 

"Yeah, I get it now" He mutters still not understanding how it's funny. 

My laughter instantly stops as I glare at him "It's funny, do you not have humour or something" I punch him on the arm before bursting out in laughter again. "Lighten up Riddler"

No one's POV

The Joker grins as he hears Danielle laughing and turns around to see what the joke was. Hopefully it wouldn't be about him because then there'd be trouble, not for her no but for Edward. He could never punish her the way he punished others. 

"Hear that boys, remember that laugh because she is coming with us home" He tells them before looking back at her.  

The goons knew not to respond to it and to never bother him when he was focusing on his star. 

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