Chapter 16

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Walking into a local rescue center not far from the hideout with Frost and rabbit by her side she walk up to the reception. Now Frost and Rabbit was only with her because Joker didn't want her all alone, his enemies or even Batman knew by now that she was his. A weakness and he didn't want them to get to her, it was a sweet gesture but Danielle could handle herself she believed. She did as he asked though and now here they were, about to get her a puppy.

"Hi, I'm here to look at the dogs" Danielle smile at the lady trying to look as nice and normal as possible.

"Yeah, Karen right?" Yeah, she went with that name and if this lady wasn't careful "Karen" was going to speak with the manager.

"Mhm" She confirms.

"Right this way please" The lady behind the desk smile and walk through a pair of doors and immediately they are hit with the high barks of a lot of dogs. Smiling to herself Danielle observe the dogs in their cages before frowning. Such magnificent creatures do not deserve to be caged like this, they deserve to be free and happy. If she could she'd adopt them all. Reaching down to pet an old dog who was happily wagging his tail at the newcomers she sighed sadly, they really deserved better.

"I'm glad that you've decided to adopt a dog instead of contacting a breeder" The lady tells Danielle as she stands up again.

"Adopting is important, people often forget about these dogs. There's such a big problem with people buying dogs and then leaving them to a place like this, I mean they eventually get killed" She spoke with passion clear in her voice, she felt very strongly about dogs.

"So what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for preferably a puppy leonberger but I'm thinking that I'll probably get an old dog too." The young girl respond.

"Really? Why?" The worker asks slightly tilting her head.

"So it can live the rest of its life happy" The lady awed at that before showing them the rest of the dogs.

Watching all of them made Danielle tear up, yes she was slightly crazy and her morals twisted but even she knew that this was not right. Stopping in front of a small cage she sees an adorable little puppy leonberger, she slowly reach a hand in allowing the puppy to sniff her and decide if it wants her to pet it. Nuzzling its face against her hand with its tail wagging happily in the air Danielle decides that this is her dog.

"I want this one" She stated both to herself and the worker. The lady quickly opens the cage and grab the little puppy and hand it to Danielle. The puppy who was a little boy licked her in the face as she laughed. The lady walked away into another room before bringing out a small transport cage for the puppy.

"Thank you" Danielle says before putting the excited pup in the little one before standing up again. Now to find the oldie to bring back home.

It didn't take long before she found the one, pressing itself against the bars was a small german shepherd. She could see the grey and white hairs around the nose and on the chest.

"She has dwarfism, that's why she was so small. Her old family didn't want her when they found out" The lady tell her regretfully.

"I'll take her, where's her leash?"

"Right over here, if you'll follow me real quick to sign the paperwork." Danielle follows the lady and sign the papers in a hurry, she wanted to get home and show her dogs to Joker.

Putting the leash on the shepherd that she named Smirrah and lifted the small transport cage containing Misch she and her company of big band henchmen walked out of the rescue center.

Rabbit open one of the doors of the van for her and Danielle gently put Smirrah in the seat next to her before gracefully hopping in herself. She sat in the middle seat and had the transport cage next to her. She opened it before bringing the puppy to her lap, these dogs would never be locked in cages again. Smirrah gently sniffed Misch deciding that she liked him before settling down and going to sleep.


"Honey, we're home" Danielle yell out as she walk inside the mansion with Smirrah on her leash and Misch tightly held to her chest with her arm. Taking the leash of the older dog she and her dogs make their way upstair where she was sure Jay was. Noticing that Smirrah appeared to have a rough time walking in stair she lifted her up, she now held both dogs in her arms.

Jay's door is open and he's still where she left him this morning. They do sleep in the same room most of the time but she still has her own for when they fight or just want to be alone. Despite being very affectionate towards each other they very much valued their own time and surprisingly neither liked other people touching them. Or standing behind them for that matter, except if it was one of the pair of course, they had the utmost trust in each other.

"Look who I brought, sugar" Danielle smile widely putting the dogs down on the floor as they begin to explore the room.

"I thought you said that you'd only get one dog" He growl out looking very much uncomfortable as the dogs sniff his legs.

"I was, but I hate seeing all those dogs locked up like that. You know I do" She reply "I wanted to make her remaining time the best she's ever had" Danielle continue, gesturing towards Smirrah who was jumping around the room.

Slumping back down on the bed Joker sigh rubbing his face.

"Fine but you take care of them" He tells her with a serious look on his face.

"Of course" She reply and she means it.

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