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Happy fanfic writers day friends! Thank you all for your support!

Sorry for the lull in updates, I'm now in school again and I'm taking a lotttt of classes. I'll try and get another one updated tonight after I finish my hw. I'm currently writing this in my school's library between classes lol

not edited


Once they got settled in Murray's living room, the tension between Jim, Alexei, and Murray gradually started to increase more and more.

Natalie fiddled with the hole in her jeans as she watched Alexei laugh at one of the cartoons he was watching on TV.

"I'm going to wring his neck," Jim said in a strained voice, gripping the armrest of the couch tightly as he stared daggers at the Russian.

"Just relax, I'm sure he'll start talking soon," Natalie said soothingly, trying to console him a little.

Jim shrugged, keeping his eyes trained on Alexei who turned towards Murray and whispered something in his ear, eyeing Jim at the same time. It wasn't hard to miss the sly smirk that rose on Alexei's face.

"What's he saying?" Jim asked, leaning forward.

Murray sat back in the couch, nodding, "okay, okay so Alexei said he's not gonna talk unless we get him something to eat, and a slushie. Cherry."

"You're kidding," Jim snapped, running a hand over his face in pure irritation.

"Do I look like I'm kidding, Jim?" Murray shot back with one of his condescending grins.

Jim threw his hands up in defeat, "okay fine! Fine! I'll go get him a burger. Don't they sell slushies at burger king?"

"Ah no," Natalie said, "only at the gas station."

"Are they close to each other," Jim asked.

Murray shrugged, "yeah they're pretty close."

Jim grabbed the car keys from the coffee table and ran a hand through his hair, "I'll be back, does anyone want anything?"

"Yes!" Joyce said from beside Jim, "please bring me back a burger and fries."

"Oh me too!" Natalie added, her stomach growling painfully.

"Come to think of it, I would appreciate some food too. Considering the fact that you barged into my home with a Russian Commie," Murray said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Jim clenched his jaw, and eyebrows furrowed in anger as he tried to remember everyone's order. He brought his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose to relieve the pounding in his head, "you know what, Natalie, why don't you come along. It'll be good practice for you or something."

"Practice what?" Natalie asked, standing to her feet slowly, wincing as her knees popped.

"Y'know for kids or something. I mean if you got a whole lot of them in the car after soccer or some shit you're gonna have to remember a shit ton of order-"

"Wait, are you implying that I'm going to be the only one that's going to have to know how to remember orders?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

Jim shrugged, not realizing his mistake, "well yeah?"

"So you don't need to practice remembering order as well?" she added, taking a step towards him.

"I'm not going to have time, I have to work," Jim simply said, completely blissful to the fact that Natalie also had a full-time job.

"Buddy," she began, "in case you forgot I work full time too. I think you're going to be the one picking kids up from soccer practice."

Murray stood up and clapped his hands together loudly, "okay! That's enough bickering from you too. All we all really care about right now is food, not how your future kid is going to get his fast food after soccer practice."

Both Jim and Natalie shot a glare before walking towards the front door grumbling under their breath.

"What an asshole," Natalie said as she opened the door and walked to the car.

"I know right," Jim replied as he unlocked the car and got into the driver's seat and started the car.

Natalie slid into the passenger seat and looked at Jim as he pulled out of Murray's compound and back onto the highway. "You do realize that I'm not going to become a stay at home mom right?"

Jim sighed, "yeah I know. I'm just tired and hungry so everything I've been saying lately has been really shitty. Sorry, Nat."

"It's okay," she said with a small smile, but she felt a twinge of uncertainty in her gut. She loved her job so much, it was her life dream to be a veterinarian. Her practice was just starting to grow and the clinic was about to add another vet on the team since they were doing so well. She was even thinking about relocating her practice to a bigger place in Hawkins.

But, with the baby, a lot her plans are going to be halted for at least the first two years of its life. She knew Jim would help, but she still was feeling a little upset about it.

Natalie frowned to herself, she was being selfish. She really should try and focus on the baby instead of herself, but she couldn't shake the feeling of missing out.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jim asked, recognizing her thinking face.

"It's nothing," she said quickly, plastering on a fake smile.

Jim rolled his eyes, "clearly not. I know you well enough to see when you're faking a smile, honey."

Natalie sighed, "okay, I guess I'm just scared to step away from my job when the baby is born. I had so many plans coming up these next couple of months to expand and add a new vet to the staff. Plus I love working, I just don't know what I'll do without it. I know I'm being selfish, but I just can't help but wonder, you know?"

Jim nodded, glancing at her briefly, "yeah I get it and you're not being selfish, it's gonna be a big change for us and for you. Honestly, Nat. we can work something out between our work schedules so you can still work when the kid is born. It'll be okay."

Natalie smiled and placed her hand on top of his, "Thanks, Jim, that means a lot."

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