𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟧 - 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝒽𝑜𝓂𝑒

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After the eventful day with Alice - Rosalie couldn't wait to get home. Not only was her mate waiting for her but now she had a daughter who was also waiting her arrival. Rosalie was finally coming in terms that this was real, that she now had a kid she could call her own. Someone who she could wake up to and look forward to on her days off from work - which she doubt she'd be doing for a while, someone who would wake her up by jumping on the bed, someone who she could spoil.

A happiness feeling swelled inside her chest and she couldn't help but wiggle around in her seat. When Alice pulled up into the house drive way Rosalie quickly hopped from out of the car rushed into the house leaving a smiling Alive behind. Once Rosalie is out of sight, Alice shoots the store manager a text. 'If possible I would like everything assembled today, I'll have my husband show you where to put everything.' read the message, with a calm expression alive exited the car and walked into the house.

Emmett cooed at the small child who laid on his chest - her small head bobbed up and down, side to side as she stared at everyone and everything. Renesmee who was also in the living room was sketching a drawing of her new cousin, her tongue poked out from the side of her mouth as she  concentrated on the baby's features.

Edward and Bella stood in the kitchen with Esme chatting about Renesmee's newest growth and how she was aging every few weeks or so. "Oh princess -" Rosalie calls out entering the room, "Mommy's home!"

Emmett's quick to stand to greet his mate, his hand tucked against his chest supporting (y/n), him and Rosalie shared a deep kiss before the blonde haired woman grabbed her child gently from Emmett's hold. "Has she eaten yet?"

"No but you're just in time," Emmett says. Soon the baby's cry sounded throughout the room and Esme walks over to Rosalie with a bottle of infant milk, thanking her Rosalie begins to feed (y/n).

Jasper who surprisingly wasn't in the house stood on the back roads where the trucks would be arriving with the furniture for Emmett's and Rosalie new home. Once they arrived he safely leads them down a trail that was big enough for the trucks to fit - a beautiful driveway was built and trucks parked out front.

"Alright boys, lets get to it -" the lead assembler says. Men begin pouring from out of the trucks unloading the furniture for the house. "My wife Alice will be here shorty to show you how she wants the baby's room to be, everything else I can take care of," jasper says.

"So after spending half a day of showing the men where to place things, Alice coming shortly to show them how she wanted the furniture in the baby's room to be the house was finally complete. While they were out Jasper and Alice went good shopping for the couple, even though they didn't need it they knew the baby would be eating soft mushy foods soon, so they stacked up on a lot of can foods like apple sauce, peaches and bananas, strawberries and grapes, just normal baby canned foods.

It was finally night time and the family was excited to show Rosalie and Emmett their new house, while Emmett may have been in on creating the house he didn't know what the inside would look like.

With (y/n) strapped to her chest sucking on her pacifier quietly - Rosalie and Emmett followed behind Alice and Jasper. "Where exactly are we going?," Rosalie asks. It was dark out and the only light they had were these solar walkway lights.

"You'll see," Emmett grins before coming to a stop.

"Ready?," Emmett asks Rosalie - who's eyes were closed.

"Yeah," she says.

"Alright open," he says.

Rosalie opens her eyes and gasps at the slight of the cabin, "This is -"

"It's our new home. I knew that you would want privacy after we got (y/n) in our life's and the only way for us to really that step at being a family farther was to have our own house. So me and Carlisle talked and we got the whole family in on this," Emmett says.

"Thank you," Rosalie 'cried'. She smiled widely and looked at Emmett, "Can we go explore?"

"Yeah babe -" Emmett laughs, "It's ours."

When Rosalie and Emmett entered the house they were amazed by everything, Rosalie was so excited about everything that she didn't even notice that everything in there were something her and Alice had picked out.

"This is really beautiful," she says.

"No kidding," Emmett breathed out. "Alice did a great job," he adds.

Exploring the house was fun, Emmett came across a playroom. "For when she gets older," Edward says appearing unexpectedly behind Emmett who jumps. "She's going to have a lot of energy when she gets older, this room was actually Nesse's idea."

"Well thank the little bugger for me," Emmett says. After exploring some more Emmett and Rosalie came across a beautiful library, four guest bedrooms, and lastly a movie room. "All these rooms are so beautiful," Emmett comments.

"Yeah well you haven't seen anything yet," Alice comments. She grabs ahold of Rosalie hand and leads her down the hallway past her room and the guest rooms.

"Where are we going?," Rosalie asks.

"Well I saved the best room for last," Alice says grinning widely.

"Best room for last," Rosalie says.

Alice nods still grinning widely, "Open the room," she says giggling slightly. Rosalie raises a brow at her but does as she says and when she pushes open the door she gasps in surprise.

The room was beautiful. "Welcome to baby (y/n)'s nursery -" Alice eyes widen when Rosalie throws her arms around her neck and pulls her into a tight hug. "Thank you," Rosalie whispers. "Thank you so much."

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