𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟨 - 𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔

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Note: Didn't update because I didn't want to half ass this story and its following chapters. Any ideas are welcomed just fill free to drop them off in my messager or in the comments and I'll think about which ones I'll add if I like them!

It has been a week since the cabin was made, since Rose and Emmett left their "parents" home and moved into one of their owns. Today was a exciting day for the parents - today was their daughters birthday! Since Rosalie and Emmett never thought to ask Carlisle to look into their child's background they didn't know her birthday, so they decided to come up with one.

Emmett was out with the little gremlin - a nickname he has given her since she liked to eat last midnight, they were out at the toy store with Edward who trailed behind them overlooking toys. "You like this one germlin?!"

(Y/n) claps her tiny hands together and kicks he feet out in her father's carrier, she begins her regular baby talk whiles her father throws a couple of toys inside of the cart - it's almost as if she were having a full blown conversation with him.

Edward on the other hand found the whole ordeal amusing, whiles he couldn't understand his niece either he could read her mind - since it wasn't fully developed yet she could only think a few words but some of what she said was what made Edward crack a smile.

'Oh yes daddy, this toy shall be my favorite one of them all'

'Star Wars papa! Star Wars!


"Your daughter wants the Star Wars stuffie you just walked by," Edward says with a grin.

"Huh -" Emmett says.

"You mean this?" As soon as Emmett picks of the toy (y/n) begins to go crazy, screaming at the top of her lungs hands reaching for the toy, whining!

Giving the toy to her quickly in hopes of stopping her act it worked, the child's begins to quiet down only blappering to the toy inside about god knows what.

"You think we got everything?," asks Emmett as he and Edward bags all the boys into the cars trunk.

"I'm sure we have more then enough toys for today to last her well past her 4th birthday," Edward says.

"Hey! I didn't buy that much..." Edward gives Emmett a look that causes him to look away, "Okay made I spoiled the girl."

Edward barks out a laugh climbing into the passengers seat. "What?! She's my first child, me and Rose are bound to spoil her rotten."

After such a eventual day in town Edward and Emmett decided to call it a day before heading back home, luckily Alice just called to inform them that everything was ready for the birthday girl and that they could come on home.

"I smell wet dog," Emmett says just as they neared the house, putting the car into park Rosalie was the first to greet them.

"Sam -" she spits out his name with such hatred, no matter if they were co existing with one another she would forever hate him and his pack of mutts - as she liked to call them, "Wants to meet (y/n)..."


"Because he thinks we'll hurt her since she's human," Rosalie spits out. Moving around the car she takes (y/n) out of her car seat and holds her close. "Don't worry baby I won't let them mutts get close to you," she cooed at the child who blappered back to her in her baby language.

"Mine as well just get this over with that way we can celebrate her birthday in peace," Emmett says. Grabbing some of the bags him and Edward walk to the house by passing Alice and jasper who make their way over to jasper.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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