10. The fight (part 1)

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Mama, come here

Approach, appear

Daddy, I'm alone

'Cause this house don't feel like home

If you love me, don't let go

(Unsteady, X Ambassadors)

Bobby announced Dean and stepped aside, but he stayed in the room to observe the exchange of looks between the two brothers, just in case, his arms crossed on his chest. As soon as Dean recognised the alarm in his younger brother's eyes, he made haste and assured him he had come alone.

- I needed to see how you are doing - he said simply, and that was enough for Sam to relax on his chair.

For a moment it looked like he meant to give an hateful reply, but then he sighed: - Better, here at Bobby's.

Dean took a look around the room: at the foot of the bed his brother must had slept in the last two nights was his duffel bag, only half full. Some of Sam's clothes were lying on the head of the bed, while some others peeked out from an half open wardrobe on the other side of the room, as if the teenager had been prey to a hurried desire to unpack but had then stopped just as fast. Maybe he had been caught by a crisis similar to the one which had led him to run away from home. Maybe Bobby had listened to him and had given him reasons to be strong and carry on, leaning a hand on his shoulder and letting him cry until he no longer felt the need to. Basically everything Dean should have done, instead of shutting himself up in the dull silence that had took him as soon as Sam had mentioned college.

Dean's eyes lingered on the desk, which was overflowing with books and notepads. How was it even possible that Sam was really already thinking about university? Was his need to leave so urgent?

- Dad misses you too, you know.

Those words escaped his lips without his permission. That was when Sam's face hardened and the boy rushed to pick up a book from his desk, put it on his knees and opened it with fury. Dean recognised a clear sign of his anger before his brother hissed his hate.

- You can tell Dad to fuck off.

Understood that Bobby would not have come to his aid, Dean ran his fingers through his own hair in exasperation.

- You're making such a big deal out of this, Sam, as usual. Just wait a few days and your back will be as good as new.

Even though he knew where his brother got all that competence in that matter, Sam could not show him any mercy.

- And I shall forget, right? Like a good little boy. That way, next time Dad has a temper tantrum he won't feel guilty to have another round of strapping, will he? Just look at that lovely healed skin, ready to be wasted again!

Hearing the tone of their voices increase, Bobby dropped a warning: - Boys...

But it was already too late: Dean had saved enough air to start fighting fire with fire.

- You're an impertinent little ingrate, you know that? Dad would give his life for you and all you can do is getting pissed and running away from home because for the first time in your life you had to bow your head and get what you deserved!

- Oh, of course! - Sam exclaimed in turn, jumping on his feet to face his older brother and this way making the book fall on the floor. - I am such a bad son, because I want to have friends and go to university! You, on the other hand, are perfect, aren't you? "You're right, dad, yes sir, go ahead and peel off his skin with your belt, he had it coming"! You liked it, didn't you?

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