13. In need of a father

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I don' t know why, but it won't let me use a pic this time. I guess we'll have to do without.


But it was not your fault but mine

And it was your heart on the line

I really fucked it up this time

Didn't I, my dear?

(Little Lion Man, Mumford & Sons)

On the other end the answer was silent and Bobby found himself following effortlessly his interlocutor's train of thought.

- Did anything happen to the boys? - John Winchester ended up asking as a matter of fact, a tiny but vibrant hint of anxiety in his otherwise stoic voice.

- No, nothing happened. Both your boys are fine - Bobby answered in a low mumble, glancing at the short dark corridor that separated him from Sam and Dean's bedroom. Then, suddenly realizing what he had heard, he frowned and gave his full attention back to the phone: - So you already knew that Dean is here too?

A heavy sigh came from the other end.

- It was just a suspicion. This morning, when I woke up, I found his empty bed and a note. It said that he would have dealt with Sam. I had no time to run after him, I had to leave for this job in Illinois. So I took for granted that you would have hosted him too.

- Yeah, by now I turned into a motel. And a restaurant. Those kids eat like young wolves - Bobby snorted, dropping on his armchair and looking longingly at the bottle of whiskey on top of the small table. - Anyway, John, the boy acted with the best intentions. I would like you not to judge him too harshly for coming here.

The other man's voice became tough again. Bobby could almost see his granitic face.

- Which of my sons are you talking about now?

That was when Bobby decided that a glass of whiskey was more than deserved. Moving the phone to his left ear, he talked while pouring himself a generous serving that, he already knew, he would have regretted a few hours later.

- John, we really need to discuss this. I don't like the way you're handling it and there is no way that you can come into my house like you did the other day.

- Let's say your opinion was well expressed by the rifle you kept pulled on me - John replied ready. But a moment later a dignified dejection took the place of his confidence and Bobby could see him moving his hand to his tired eyes, sitting on a bed in a sad motel, alone... and without whiskey. - That kid, Bobby, that blessed boy... do you know what he did?

Since there was no doubt they were now talking about Sam, the old hunter nodded with conviction.

- Yes, I know everything, and I must say I find it as alarming as any other teenager's tantrums. What really worries me about what happened is your reaction. John, it's been two weeks and a half and the kid fully healed just a couple of days ago.

His fellow hunter hid behind some more silence before throwing one more excuse in the conversation.

- I don't get it, Dean has always responded well to...

- This way of yours of seeing things is exactly the reason why we need to talk - Bobby interrupted him bluntly, with no shame. He was sure that, in spite of all the patience he had saved to get to the end of that phone call, he would not have been able to keep calm if John had forced him to think about the punishments that Dean had endured. That poor boy hadn't let a single word slip out of his mouth in six years. - Sam is a wreck, but I heard Dean talk nonsense about your right to punish him as you prefer! - Trying to calm down again, Bobby took a deep breath and continued with a serious but measured voice: - It seems to me that you forgot the difference between a fair punishment and child abuse.

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