11. The fight (part 2)

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Hello, everybody!

I'm sorry this chapter took a bit longer to be published, but I got busier than usual lately.

Thanks for reading my work, I hope you like it and to hear from you! Have an awesome day ^-^


Takes all you have to stare it down

And whisper "Devil, no deal."
And I don't wanna fight

Don't wanna fight my father's war
You can wait your whole life
Not knowing what you're waiting for

(Don't give up on me now, Ben Harper)

After dinner and after washing the dishes under Bobby's supervision, Sam followed his brother through the screen door at the entrance. He watched Dean as he sat down on the porch steps with a sigh and didn't resist more than a few seconds before imitating him. Only then, when they were both surrounded by the lovely warmth of that summer night and by the chirping of crickets all around them, the youngest was able to lower his defences to address the other with a worried whisper.

- How are you doing?

The answer was immediate and his brother threw it at him with one of those bold snorts that used to hide the anguish of Dean's sleepless nights: - I'm doing great.

- Dean - Sam said, insisting for the eldest to look him in the eye. - I didn't want to leave you too. But if you're planning on staying with Dad, there's no other option but to go separate ways.

There, he had pronounced it. One of the unmentionable words that immediately resulted in a glower from his brother. It happened that time too and Sam hoped that didn't mean they would start arguing again. But Dean kept his voice low, he just raised his eyebrows to underline each of his words.

- You have to give Dad another chance. You owe him.

Entrusting his patience to a deep breath, Sam bent his knees so that they were close to his chest and hugged them, his eyes wandering on the lawn looking for lighting bugs.

- First he should promise me one thing or two and I don't think this fits his idea of respect for hierarchy - he grumbled before going back to the eldest's serious face. - Why didn't I ever notice?

- Notice what?

- That he beat you with that thing.

Dean had to keep from rolling his eyes again. To him, Sam's stubbornness in returning to the subject over and over again was empty and sterile, just like a correction without its context would have been. Dean knew why he had got into trouble every single time and he had to thank his father's punishments if he was aware he had done wrong. If he was aware of it to the point that he would never have made the same mistakes again. Sam, on the other hand, seemed far too eager to judge John Winchester's educational methods and not very willing to admit his own faults.

- It didn't take long - Dean decided to say in the end. - He managed to do it when you weren't home.

- I get it, but afterwards... I should have noticed how you felt afterwards.

- You were little - Dean cut it short.

But Sam's sharp tongue never let him get away with anything.

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