7. My Omega

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Double update for y'all. Remember to comment and tell me what you think about the story so far.


Baekhyun was relieved because everything had been going to well since they settled in the lounge. Other than Chans constant glares everything else was going smoothly.

Questions were thrown back and forth as the parents went through the normal procedure of getting to know who their child will be mated to.

"I accept" Mrs Park said out of nowhere shocking everywhere, "I'm sorry and I know we aren't at the end yet but I already love this young alpha for my son. He is perfect" she explained making Baekhyuns and Yeols smiles widen.

"I accept as well" Alpha Park and Byun also said at the same time.

Everyone then turned to Chan to hear what he had to say.

"Chan do you have anything to say" his mom asked.

"I thought this was your decision. I didn't know I had a say" he said not hiding his distaste about this while situation.

"We have the final say but then your brother would also appreciate your support" she gave his a disapproving look.

"You don't expect me to just agree with something I'm not happy about. Yeol deserves better than some rogue"

Before anyone could respond Baek was on his feet and Chan met him halfway.

"I'm sick and tired of your attitude. So what if I'm a rogue. I'm a rogue and I'm proud of who I am regardless of whatever believe you have imprinted in your brain"

"Wow good for you. You're proud of being the most ruthless type of wolf. I have had enough experience to know your kind can't be trusted. Yeol is a precious gem who deserves better than the lowest level of our species. You're only trouble. I bet your attitude is is as bad as the way you look with those disgusting tattoos. My brother deserves better than some wannabe bad boy"

"I don't care what you think about me. The moon goddess saw us as a perfect pair so you can shove your opinions where the sun don't shine. YEOL is MINE and I doubt your so called experience can match mine. My own father almost killed me but you don't see me run around treating him like he is the plague" Baekhyun lashed out as he took off this leather jacket to reveal his sleeveless black band t-shirt, "I got these tattoos to cover the scars left on my arms from my near death experience but I liked them and got a bit more so what's the big deal. I'm not going to hide who I am and if you want me to go rogue on you be my guest and step outside so that we can settle who is the alpha between us. That seems to be the only way you will respect me" Baekhyuns voice was deeper and his eyes darker. A sign that his wolf was close to the surface.

"Calm down" Alpha Byun held his sons shoulder and Alpha Park did the same.

"Chan this is not the way to handle things. You can be mad but you don't go insulting other people. Your little stunt actually just made out decision more solid. The fact that your brother mate stands up to you shows how strong he is" Alpha Park said.

Baekhyun paused as his eyes glazed over leaving his pupils grey.

"Baekhyun are you..."

"There are rogues on your land" Baekhyhn said as his eyes went back to normal.

"No shit" Chan said earning a glare from Baekhyun.

"Not us but feral rogues you idiot" Baekhyuns first instinct is to look for his mate but gets worried as soon as he doesn't see his mate in the room.

"Where is Yeol?" He asks alerting everyone on the situation.

"Yeol hates conflict. He must have slipped out while you two fought" Kyungsoo said making everyone panic especially when they heard a scream.

Baekhyun didn't wait as he ran out and shifted into his huge silver white wolf following the cry of his mate.

He should have been paying attention to Yeol instead of fighting with his stupid brother.

He can sense Chan following behind along with other wolves.

Yeol couldn't take the shouting anymore and decided to slip out when no one noticed. As soon as he got outside he shifted into his pretty white/purple wolf and got as far away from the noise as possible.

His wolf was begging him to go back to their mate but he just wanted to get away from the conflict.

He was filled with regret when he was surrounded by 4 wild rogue wolves and a bite injury on his left back leg.

He closed his eyes as he cried but was suddenly surrounded by a familiar soothing scent.

He opened his eyes and realised they was a huge wolf above him, protecting him. He knew it was Baekhyun and was filled with relief and comfort.

Will Baek and Chan be able to put aside their differences and get along?

What do you think is going to happen?


My Omega (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now