Chapter 35: The Saviour

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Kristen's POV

My heart thumped against my chest as rough hands grabbed me from behind.

"You are so beautiful," he said, passing a finger inside the strap of my bra as a tear escaped my eye, "just a night with me Kristen. Spend only one night with me and I assure you- it'll be the best experience of your life."

Right then, something inside me snapped.

I'm not weak.

Applying as much strength as I could, I bit down on his fingers that gripped my face. He momentarily removed his hold over me.

"Help! Someo--" I screamed before he placed his hand on my mouth again.

"You little bitch. I didn't want to do this, but you've left me with no other choice."

He removed his hand from my mouth. I tried to scream but his hold on my waist tightened, his fingers digging into my skin. In a split second, he brought his hand over my face, holding a handkerchief this time. My eyes widened. He pressed the cloth to my nose as I tried to free myself, but it was of no use. I tried holding my breath, but it was only so much possible. I breathed in helplessly as a pungent smell rose up my nostrils. In a few seconds, my eyelids started getting heavier. I was losing my consciousness.

"Kristen!" a voice jerked me back awake, the slamming of the door open following it.

The person's hold on me slackened. I turned to look who it was. It was Bryce- a pathetic guy if you ask me. Everyone hated him. He treated girls like objects. But I was not surprised to find him behind all of this.

And standing at the door was a rage  filled Damien.

"You!" Damien launched himself at Bryce, who tried to throw a punch at him, but Damien caught it with ease. He squeezed it hard, as Bryce struggled under his hold. He delivered a punch to his chin, which made him stagger a few steps back. Damien held him by the collar and pinned him to one of the lockers as it made va rattling sound.

"How dare you lay a finger on her?" He yelled. Yanking him by the collar, he threw him onto the floor and leaned right on top of him. "How dare you?" he shouted before starting to punch him in the face.

Once. Twice. Thrice, until Bryce spit out blood. He was bleeding from his nose.

"Damien stop!" I pleaded. He looked up at me, and let Bryce go hesitantly.

"It's only because of her that I am leaving you," he warned while getting on his feet. Bryce got up from the floor soon after and sprinted outside, never glancing back even once.

I was still in shock after what had happened, or what could've happened if Damien hadn't arrived in time.

"Hey, hey," Damien said, coming closer to me very slowly, "it's fine. He's gone. He won't trouble you again," he said, placing a light hand on my shoulder.

"Damien I-- Thank you," I stammered.

"Don't mention it. I'll never let any harm come to you," he said, before bending down to pick up the dress which had fallen off from my hands, "you're safe now," he wrapped the shirt around me.

"What happened here?" I noticed Rose standing at the doorway, "I saw Bryce running out of here."

"He misbehaved with Kristen," Damien said.

"Wha--? Oh my god! I-- I'm so sorry Kristen. I just went out to fill my water bottle. I never thought something like this could happen while I was gone." She glanced at Damien, "Thank you Damien, for being there for her when I wasn't."

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