Chapter 47: The Secret of the Blackwoods

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Rosalyn's POV

I stood there, bewildered, surprised, frightened, with the open sarcophagus in front of me. In it, lay the woman whom the Blackwoods claimed as their sister.

"How could you keep so important, hidden away from us?" Amber said.

"It is what she would have wanted." He said.

"We could not reveal her secret until we felt there was no option left." Aurora said.

Meanwhile, I was looking at her features. She was dressed in a blue, medieval gown, her wavy, honey blond hair was let lose, a few strands of which curled up on her neck and face. Her face was as pale as snow, her lips the colour of peach. She looked serene and peaceful. It was then that I noticed a ring on her finger, with a familiar baby pink coloured stone embedded into it.

"Was she a rose quartz attuned witch?"

"No. Half witches like we were, don't have attunements. We can only perform spell magic by siphoning other objects or creatures. We don't have the power to generate our own magic." Vincent said.

"But what about this ring?" I said, pointing at the pink stoned ring.

"That is our mother's. Our sister drew the magic from her ring before dying and put up a preservation spell on her, which would prevent her body from decomposing." Damien explained.

"A preservation spell? Do you know anything about it?" I said to Amber.

"Yes. Preservation spells are too complicated and tricky. If performed properly, you can preserve a body for centuries."

"What about an anti preservation spell? We have to bring her to life." I said.

"I know how to break the spell, but neither have I done something like this before, nor seen anyone else doing it."

"What do we need to do?"

"We need an article of hers which she held very dear, the blood of the witch who can break the spell, which will be you since you have the same attunement with which Genevieve's body is preserved, the blood from a person directly related to her, Ephedra and the blood of the Alpha of the Lycan Wolf Pack."

"Wait, will there be werewolves involved too?" Stella said excitedly.

"Yes. Werewolves were created by witches. They derive their bloodline from ours. The Alpha's blood is considered to be of the purest variety of werewolf blood, and so, we need it to break the spell. " Amber said.

"But what is so special about the Lycan Pack?" I said.

"The wolves of the Lycan Pack were the first werewolves to be created by witches. The magic that they have in their body is more concentrated than any other Pack's blood."

"So, when do we go?"



At dawn

Kristen's POV

My body was still throbbing with immeasurable pain, fangs threatening to reappear in my mouth. I had the sickening urge for human blood. I needed it. My stomach grumbled in agreement. I felt every emotion with so much more detail. It felt as if I was living under a microscope, where everything was enlarged. I could hear the chirping of birds like bursting loudspeakers, the rustling of leaves like sliding, rusty glass doors and the cool breeze blowing in the early morning hours howled at me. I put my hands to my ears, trying to put an end to the noise, but nothing worked.

"You need blood." Aurora said as I was standing in the balcony of the Blackwoods' mansion.

"I don't know. It is like I want to have it, but at the very next moment, I feel guilty about it."

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