Chapter 20: Skulls and Roses

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Rosalyn's POV

"I can't believe that the Wendigo went after Stella," Kristen said as Morgan, she and I stood outside the Operation Theatre.

"And I can't even imagine what might've happened if we hadn't been on time."

"Stella?" Ms. Davenport rushed towards us, followed by Vincent and Damien. "Where's my daughter?" She said frantically.

"She's in the OT."

Ms. Davenport broke into tears. "What happened to her?"

"A... rabid dog attacked her, but we were in time to save her against it," Morgan said.

"She's vaccinated, but I can't thank you enough for what you've done. God forbid if something happened to her, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself," she sniffed.

"Ms. Davenport?" A nurse approached her.


"You need to complete some paperwork. Follow me." Glancing one last time at the red light above the OT door, Ms. Davenport descended down the stairs to the first floor.

"She looked... so relieved," I said, "yet, she doesn't know that it was for me that Stella's in this mess in the first place."

"Hey, you can't blame yourself for Stella's condition." Morgan comforted me.

"Is this another monster problem?" Damien asked. I nodded silently, "What is it this time?"

"A Wendigo."

"Oh my-- Why did none of you tell me know about it? Vincent, have you been hiding this from me all along?"

"It's not like I had a choice..."

"There's always a choice! And now, because of your stupidity, my girlfriend's in there being operated on." He slammed his fist against a nearby wall, turning the heads of a few doctors rushing down the corridor with files in their restless hands.

"Damien," Kristen put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Stella's our friend too, and we didn't want either of you to get into trouble..."

"But here she is anyways." He raised his hands above his head in a expression of frustration.

"Damien, I just came to know that Rose is a witch and that Wendigos exist in the real world. I think I'm the one who is a little out of place at the moment. And what other monsters are you talking anyways? Have you ever faced any other?" Morgan asked.

"We did. We faced a Gorgon."

"No way."

Just then, the door to the Operation Theatre opened and Amber walked ouside.

"How's Stella? Is she out of danger?"

"She is, but she's still unconscious. We've managed to get the paralysing agent out of her system and knit her torn skin in place, but I'm afraid it will leave a nasty scar on her torso. I need to talk to you for a sec." She grabbed me by my hand and led me away from my friends, "How did you know that the Wendigo was going after Stella?"

"It might sound crazy, but I had a vision, where I was in Stella's body and the Wendigo attacked me."

Amber looked solemn for a while, before finally breaking the silence. "That's your psychic ability that just sprang up."

"What? Do you mean I'm a psychic now? Are you one too?"

"I'm not, but every pure line Valerian Witch and Elemental Witches are entitled to certain powers, which are exclusive to their attunements. Rose Quartz and Blood attuned witches are known for their psychic abilities, being able to control people's minds, erase memories, alter their thinking, and much more. Moreover, they can get visions... of the future, but I can't say when it hits."

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