Chapter 4: Making an Example.

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In the scorched streets of New York City, stood one Phenomenon, a dragon, and a False Phenomenon. Xero raised his tail and was about to strike Sam until Josh raised his hand, making Xero stop his attack.

Josh: I'll handle this.

Xero: But master, you are king now. You are not meant to battle every fight by yourself.

Josh: Don't question me again, Xero.

Xero: Yes master.

Josh: As for the fighting, you said it yourself. "A king can still go into battle", so that's what I'm gonna do.

Josh then started walking toward Sam until they were five feet apart.

Josh: Do you know what's gonna happen if you stay here?

Sam: Yes.

Josh: Do you know who's gonna win?


Josh: Then why fight a battle you know you can't win?

Sam: Because the people need hope, so that's what I'm gonna give them.

Josh: Brave, I like it. Well, are you ready?

Sam: Yes.

Josh: Do you have any last words?

Sam: Yes...I'm sorry.

This confused him as Sam looked down to the ground. Sam used the virus power to start a live video on every piece of technology across the world like Josh did. He had done it before they started speaking so everybody heard what they were talking about.

Josh: What?

Sam: I'm sorry, for abandoning you so long ago. I never should've done that. I should've stayed by your side like a true friend...but I didn't. I abandoned you and even tried to kill you with Jackson. That's not what a true friend does and I'm sorry...even though I know there's no way to change the past.

When Sam slowly looked back up, he saw Josh was beyond furious. His breathing was heavy, teeth were clenched into a snarl, eyebrows were furrowed, eyes were glaring daggers, and his hands were clenched so hard his knuckles became white.

Josh: You're...sorry?

He then took a step forward while power & energy were starting to emit from all around him, making Sam feel just how much power he had. His power & energy levels were quickly growing dangerously unstable. It was like he was a bomb ready to go off at any second, fueled with nothing but pure rage. His anger was only growing like how a wildfire spreads throughout a forest.

Josh: You're sorry?!

His teeth then became as sharp as daggers while fire appeared engulfed both his arms and hands.

Josh: You're SORRY?!?!?!

Without warning, he charged at Sam with such speed & force it cracked the ground beneath him. Before Sam could react, Josh grabbed his throat & slammed him into a nearby melted car from Xero's fire breath. Sam quickly recovered thanks to his temporary Phenomenon powers & ran toward Josh while swinging his fist. Josh just caught his fist with ease & readied his own punch.

Josh: You don't GET to be SORRY!!!!!

He then punched Sam through several buildings, quickly following so he wouldn't lose him. Sam quickly recovered again & started using his newfound super strength. He picked up a car & threw it at Josh, only for him to punch the car right back at Sam, who narrowly dodged it.

Josh: You, Rose, Violet, Jackson, Rachael, Tyrone, Drew, Scarlet, Aura, Silvia, Alex, Avador, Cole, The Demons, & The Loyal Servants of The Demon King the cult all ABANDONED ME!!!!!! Even after EVERYTHING I sacrificed for you all!

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