Chapter 6: Willing To Open Up.

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~With Kallie~

Kallie was mediating in the middle of the cage again, until she suddenly shot to her feet upon feeling something that would paralyze anybody with fear. She didn't just feel how much anger Josh had...she felt him snap. She felt him snap unlike he had ever snapped before. When he snapped when he was younger, only fifty or less people would die because of how weak he was back then, but now that he's incredibly stronger than he was before...there's nothing stopping him from burning the whole city to the ground in seconds. Unlike everybody else in the world, including Josh, Kallie knew just how strong and powerful he was.

He could incinerate the whole city in seconds if he wanted to. The sheer strength of him was strong enough to lift a skyscraper like it was nothing. His fire was hot enough to rival even the sun if he decided to REALLY use it. If he were to smash the ground as hard as he could, it would put a crack in the Earth as big as the Grand Canyon. If Josh were to go full strength in a fight against humanity versus would be nothing but a slaughter.

Only Kallie knew his full strength, not even Josh knew. His power scared even her to her core, his own sister. Now that he's snapped with his current amount of power, not to mention an army of demons, fallen angels, dragons, lost, and monsters...humanity was going to be nothing but a forgotten memory if she didn't do something soon.

Kallie: You guys have to let me out, right now!

Jackson: No fucking way.

Kallie: Please, you don't understand!

Tyrone: What we understand is that your little brother, that freak, just killed Sam. The day we let you out is the day we die.

Kallie: Well then that's gonna be soon if you don't let me out!

Rose: What do you mean?

Kallie: Do you remember how me and Josh have this mental bond I use to sense literally everything about him?

Rose: Yes.

Jackson: Did you send him our coordinates?!

Kallie: No, I don't want you all to have the kind of death Josh has planned for you! Josh is pissed off, he just SNAPPED!!!!!

This made all of them gasp with fear. They all knew what he used to do when he snapped, but now that he had an army of creatures that could slaughter humanity without even trying and a whole kingdom to back him up on top of being extremely powerful compared to what he used to be...there was no telling what he would do. Jackson started acting tough, he knew he needed to if he was to keep hope within everybody else.

Jackson: Yeah? Well send him a message through that mental bond you two have. Tell him that he can try all he wants but he will NEVER get you back! We will kill him if he even TRIES to enter this place!

Jackson then had an idea and walked over to a console.

Jackson: In fact, knowing Josh, he will sacrifice himself for his kingdom like he would do for anybody else. Even now, he isn't the type of person to just abandon somebody. So I, my friends, am going to send him a little gift.

He then smirked as everybody around him became confused. He hadn't smirked in forever.

Drew: Jackson, what are you doing?

Jackson: Oh, what am I doing?

He then pressed a button as red lights began to shine in the room.

Alex: Jackson, what are you doing?!

Jackson: I'm simply sending a special gift to Josh, courtesy of both me and the military.

Computer: Request confirmation. Are you sure you want to send a nuke to these coordinates?

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