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The legend tells that at night at Croltwon there is a monster. Acording to the legend the monster comes at midnight until the sunrise. But the legend tells that the monster was so scary that it can kill people just by looking. It means that the monster looked so scary that people died from fear.  I heard that the monster first eat your eyes and than, when you still feel everything it eat your fingers slowly, very slowly and after that it eat yours arms and legs and finally, the monster done eating after the most delicious part. Can you gess that part? Of cource you can its your brain.

But the legend also tells that at 20th century the monster appered here, at Croltown! But all the old people that we asked never saw it. But just one women in our town reclame that she saw the monster! If you ask me this lady is just crazy. I mean there isn't a real thing like a monster. But you know I won't say anything because she like to tell all the little children that the monster is real. That lady just want to sceare them. 

We call the monster "The Monster At Night" because acording to the legend it always apear at night.

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