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My oldest brother said to us after he sigh "I'm going to check what is it upstairs that making noises. I will come back". I can't describe to you how much scared I was. I was terrified. As he walk to the staries I ran as fast as I could and grabbed his hand. I screamd in fear "don't go! Please don't!". "I'll be ok" he said but you could still hear that he was scared. He told to my second brother "keep on her".

He looked at one more time, sigh and got upstairs to check what does the scary noises.

After a couple of minutes that he was upstairs we heard a scream. Not just a scream, it was a scream of someone who is getting killed.

We saw my oldest brother ran down the stairs. He looked scared like he seen a gost, or worst, a Monster.

All his clothes were ripped off and were covered in blood. We asked him in rash "what happened up there?". He pained and said with rash "the monster... It's here. We need to hide. Hury! You need to hide while I lead her to the kitchen. Come on hury!". The sister said "I won't use you as bate! We can run together!". "No! You need to hide now!" Said the big brother. We cried and hugged all of us, not knowing if it'll be the last time that we gonna see all of us together.
I looked at my sister and my younger brother and said while I was sobbing and tires was coming out of my eyes I said "I love you!".

My brother, his girlfriend and I ran to the living room and hid beyound the sofa. We heard that something was coming down from upstairs. We were so scared. I started to cry so my brother cover my mouth so that the monster won't hear me.

After a few seconds we heard our oldest brother scream "come on! I don't afraid from you! Come and get me!" I heard my brother voice. So much fear was in his voice. After couple of seconds... We heard my brother scream in agony. When the screaming ended. We knew that our brother was dead. I tried to hold my tears.

Suddenly we heard the monster. The noise got closer and closer. We were so scared. My second brother said to us "you go to the basement. I will be behind you. Now go!!". We started to freak out but we did what my brother said to us. My brother did noise and went to the kitchen to get the attention of the monster.

As soon as the monster turned around and went to my brother we ran to the basement. As we got to the stairway we heard my brother scream but this time... This time it wasn't just multiples scream it was just one single scream. My brother's girlfriend sobbed and cried quietly and said "we must go back!!!" We have to save him!!". I block her way so that she can't ran toward him.

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