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My brother said while he was hugging his girlfriend "wow it was a great movie. I didn't think that the man will be the killer I thought it was the leopard.

Beacuse there were a bitten signs on the girls budy so it look like it was the leopard.  I laughed and said "yes it they made the movie so good, it was a stunning make up work. How did they thought about that". My oldest brother said "I don't know but it's late and we need to go now. You invited too" he said to my girlfriend's brother.  All of us went to our house. It was so dark outside and it looked that a storm is coming out, so we got hurry.

As we entered to the home we tried to turned on the light. But unsforanetly it didn't turn on. We tried for a couple of times more. But eventually we gave up. I got outside to ask the neighbors but all of them said that they also didn't have lights. They told me that is probably a power failure. So I return home to be with my brouthers.

I returned home and said to my brothers that it probalbly a power failure that all Crolltown have. My oldest brother said "Ok because we don't have any power maybe we'll try to turn on some candles".

My brother's girlfriend was so scared that she hid beyound him and hold his armed as tide as she could. She was shaking and her face looked like she think that something will come out and try to kill her. But that's not possible beacuse there is no such a thing like a monster right?

My brother's girlfriend said with shacking voice "I'm sceared from the dark" my brother asked her "why?" And she said that sometimes she dreams about the monster from the legend. That it really in Croltown. My brother took her head huge her and said with soft voice "do not be worry! The monster is just a myth, a legend it's not real, it's can't hert you".

As soon as my brother ended the sentence we heard noise coming from upstairs. It was so scary. We thought it was just the wind or the rain so we waited a couple of minutes, that the storm will come down. But... But it was the opossite. It got louder! In fact it got louder and louder and it was not just annoying noises. We began to hear many things falling on the floor. And then... It all began to be quit again. For a couple of minutes everything went quiet. But then... Then we heard a loud thunder and along with that there was also a very loud scream it was so loud that we thought someone got killed upstairs.

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