Chapter 15

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The sweat and dirt clinging to my body was nothing out of the ordinary for me. Right now I was on my way back to Blake's house, with a long relaxing shower as the only thing on my mind.

Several feet in front of my goal I stopped. A figure exited through the back door and made its way right towards me. And it wasn't Blake.

It took me a moment to place her. The blonde she-wolf who'd been glaring at me on my first visit to the pack house. The one who was for some irritating reason oddly familiar to me, but I still wasn't able to place her.

Her eyes were once again coated with dark chalk, just like I imagined a clown would look like. I had never once in my life worn a single speck of make-up and I couldn't see the reason in others wearing it. It was a disgusting chemical that made you natural features look oversized.

I stood nailed to my spot, waiting for her to notice me. Either she was too caught up in her own mind or she was a terrible werewolf, because she caught on to my presence when I was only a step away from her. Her awareness of her surroundings was abhorrent for a werewolf.

She stopped just in time to avoid bumping into me and finally lifted her eyes to meet mine. For a moment she looked caught off guard, but she quickly masked her features into a snarky smile.

"Luna." Her mocking tone was impossible to miss.

However, I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of getting a reaction from me. She might be good at looking down on others, but I was the best in threatening.

"And you are?" I kept my arms at my sides and an emotionless mask on my face.

"My name's Krystal." She spoke the name as if should have been obvious from the context.

No matter how long I stared at her I still felt like I should know her. Yet for the life of me I couldn't remember where in my past I could place her.

"What were you doing in Blake's house?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

As far as I knew no one was allowed free permission to enter his house, apart from me of course. Because it was now supposed to be my home as well, I could come and go as I pleased.

However, that didn't explain why this bitch would be allowed inside.

"Me and Blake had some business to take care of." She cocked her head to the side.

She was looking down on me, which wasn't hard since she was at least two inches taller than me. However, two things irritated me more. The first was her condescending tone, which made me yearn to smash my fist into her smirk and break a few teeth. The second was the fact that she referred to Blake by his first name. As far as I knew, only those closest to him were allowed to call him by his given name. So who in the name of the Moon was she?

"You know, something intimate that only I could help him with." She flicked her hair over her shoulder.

The way she stressed the word I made me want to gauge her eyes out, on top of breaking her teeth. For some reason I didn't do any of those things I desired, but simply watched her as she turned away. With a satisfied smirk she walked right by me.

Instead of giving into my rage and pulling her empty head off her shoulders, I decided to deal with him first.

There's a very good chance she's lying, Shyrin tried to defend our mate. She was probably lying to make us jealous. Right, Ren?

I didn't answer her, but rather continued my way to the house. The slight shake in Shyrin's voice made my anger bubble even further to the surface. How dare he upset my wolf?

Red Moon (Colors of the Moon #2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ