Chapter 24

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Training with Blake had become our daily routine. We both got up at five in the morning and made our way to the training ground. However, this particular morning something changed.

Even before we reached the clearing, I became aware of the presence of several others. In the middle of the training ground stood a group of individuals, all of them annoyingly familiar. From my mom, to her mate, the nurse, the witch and even Jaida.

Dr. Goode, Maggie, Natalie and Jaida. Shyrin was still determined that I learned their names.

They were all smiling at us as we joined them, their cheerful attitude creeping me out. I wasn't used to others being awake at this hour.

"Good morning Luna, Alpha." The witch — Natalie — greeted us.

"What the fuck are you all doing here?" I wanted them to say whatever they came here to say and then leave, so I could train in peace.

"We've all come here for a lesson in fighting." Maggie was the one to speak up.

She looked much more relaxed in my presence, and she even looked right at me. Not precisely at my eyes, but it was close.

This was definitely not what I had expected. However, as I stood there and continued to look at them, I saw the determination written in their eyes. They were all serious about this.

"We want you to teach us, so we'll someday be able to protect you." Mom smiled brightly at me.

She was holding onto Doc's hand, like they were a pair of teenagers.

You don't need to do it, if you don't want to. It's your choice.

For a second I thought the line came from Shyrin, but she didn't have a masculine voice. Then I realized it came from my mate.

I gave myself three seconds to think about this and then made my decision.

"Let's go." I rolled my shoulders, making a few bones pop.

We began with a few warming up exercises to stretch our bodies, where Blake, Jaida and I, of course, couldn't resist competing. During the running part in wolf form Blake managed to win, but I was right behind him. In human form, on the other hand, I won with a great lead.

After the exercises we came to the real part of this morning, the fighting lesson. The three of us, Blake, Jaida and I, taught the others some basic fighting moves.

At first, it felt weird instructing my mother on how to break someone's nose, but in time it got easier. I was actually proud to see her put in so much effort. If she put her mind to it, I could see her becoming a good fighter.

Because most of them were still new to this, we finished after about an hour. Only Blake, Jaida and I hadn't put in much work, so we decided to have a few fights among ourselves. The moment the others heard about this, they all decided to stick around.

The first ones to go were Blake and Jaida, while the rest of us moved to the edge of the clearing. We made ourselves comfortable on the still damp ground.

I could hear their erratic heartbeats and strained breathing, as we sat down. They had really put a lot into the training.

I wanted to pay close attention to the fight, but something kept drawing my attention. Two feet away from me sat my mother and the doctor. Their heartbeats still hadn't settled down, but they were getting there.

Still, they both wore these ridiculous smiles as they gazed at each other. They sat side by side, with his arm around her shoulders and her head leaning on his shoulder.

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