Chapter 10 - Aria

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"So, this is the infamous Fighter's Den, huh?"

I crane my head back to get a better look at the building where Nate and Asher spend all their time. It's kind of surreal to believe that my brother is a professional boxer now and is surrounded by so much talent. I'm not sure if Asher is going to go pro like Nate but I've been watching him fight all my life and he was born to do it. It's beyond me that he isn't fighting at a level beyond all the other fighters yet.

"This is it." Nate confirms. "Come on. I'll give you the tour."

"Your coach won't mind, right?" I follow him close behind.

"Nah, he's cool."

"I wish Lenny had the chance to tag along. She's a much bigger fan of boxing than I am."

"What's she up to today?" He asks as he opens the door for me.

I step inside and take a moment to look around before answering him. It's a standard gym with training gear and ring but it has a homely feel to it. At the moment it's crowded with fighters both my age and young and I remember Nate mentioning that Fighter's Den recently brought back their youth division. I can't help feeling like I'm intruding but no one even spares me a glance, too invested in their training. "She's flooded with appointments. Ever since she started working at Make Your Mark, she's been in high demand. I've barely seen her since we moved here."

"Good for her." Nate nods in approval. He's had immense respect and admiration for Lenny since he met her and I love that my best friend and twin get along the way they do. I always knew they would.

"You're supposed to sympathize, jerk. I said I barely see my best friend anymore." I punch his arm teasingly and he laughs.

"My bad. At least you have Asher to keep you company."

I stumble over my own two feet at the mention of his name. Damn it, Nate. Did he have to go there?

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment when I'm reminded of how I made a fool out of myself the last time I saw him. I can't believe I tried to make a move on him and indirectly begged him to retaliate. I know I felt mutual vibes between us but I shouldn't have pushed. All I did was freak him out and I haven't seen him since. It's like no matter how much I tried to stop pushing him away, the more I kept doing exactly that. Am I not trying hard enough? Am I trying too hard?

I hold back a groan. Fuck this shit. This is exactly why I hate feelings and avoid having any at all costs. I feel like I'm losing my damn mind.

Nate whistles loudly and draws everyone's attention, including mine. "Guys! Come here."

All of Nate's friends stop what they're doing and make their way to us. I try not to choke on my saliva as I watch the four men saunter over to me. Holy shit. I thought my brother was surrounded by boxers, not fucking models. It's a miracle I manage to keep my jaw from hitting the ground and my eyeballs from rolling straight out of my head. I'm suddenly grateful I'm just meeting them now instead of when I came to Boston a year ago. The last time I was here was to help Nate win custody for his son and I doubt I would have had time to ogle or appreciate all these men. My last visit was not a vacation.

There's no obvious "leader" of the group but I can tell one of the guys has this authoritative air around him and he instantly demands your attention. He's as tall as Nate but he has brown hair and the most intense green eyes I've ever seen. The way he walks gives away his cockiness but I find that on him it's not a turn-off like it is with most men. For some reason, it suits him. The guy walking next to him is definitely Cameron so I assume he has to be Jaxon. Cameron is easy to tell apart because he's the only one who's grinning wide and watching me with eyes that are glittering with amusement. His looks somehow match what I know his personality to be completely. I'm floored at how...pretty he is. The third guy who's walking behind the duo silently is nothing short of intimidating. He's huge and broad and...intense. I can also place him as Wolfe because Lexie had gushed to me about him after meeting this whole crew. Apparently he doesn't talk and my intrigue over that fact only grows now that I'm seeing him in person. His features are hard and tough and almost mean and I have to wonder if he's always been like this or if something made him this way.

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