Chapter 17 - Aria

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"Aria Macy Hunter."

Applause breaks out as I make my way across the stage, shaking hands with my fellow teachers one by one. Through the noise of clapping comes two rambunctious voices that make me shake my head in defeat.

"That's my fucking sister!"

"Fuck yeah, Princess!"

It's obvious which one came from my brother and which one came from Ash. I peek over at the crowd while I walk toward Principal Rowland to receive my diploma, snickering at the image of Nate and Asher standing on their chairs and waving their graduation caps at me. The P.E. teacher gestures a wild hand for them to sit down and shakes his fist at them, probably for cussing. I can't stop laughing for the life of me. My two, idiot boys.

I take my diploma and shake Principal Rowland's hand, turning to the crowd of seniors and putting my arms up in victory. Cheers and whistles greet me back and several people call out my name. I wave a general hand in their direction and descend the stairs, heading back to my seat to watch the rest of the ceremony. Nate is called up next and I'm on my feet instantly, jumping up and down. I have to snicker at the collective raise in female cheers and roll my eyes. Disgusting but I'm used to it by now.

"Give us some moves, Hunt!" Roger Hill, another senior, yells out to Nate from his seat. Ever since the charity event we held at school last year for ALS and the performance Nate put on, everyone in school has been obsessed with his ability to dance. I have to admit, my twin brother can fucking move.

The teachers on stage are shaking their heads at the request but are interrupted by the loud music that suddenly starts playing. More hoots and whistles of approval ring out as Nate mischievously discards his graduation cap into the crowd and falls into a familiar routine. He prefers breakdancing and so he moves in perfect synchronization to the beat of the song, free-styling wild moves across the stage while the seniors cheer him on. I shake my head through my laughter, cupping my hands around my mouth as I shout words of encouragement. He parts his gown and reveals that he's not wearing a shirt underneath, showing off the abs and hard pecs he developed from boxing and thrusting his hips provocatively, encouraging loud female cheers and other obscenities I'd rather not address. I smack a hand over my face at the stripper-like moves he puts on. He's having way too much fun with this and it was obviously planned if he's been walking around half-naked under his gown the whole time. Freaking dumbass.

"Okay, that's enough. Settle down." Principal Rowland booms into his microphone. Someone cuts the music off and Nate bows dramatically, red in the face from his performance and his fit of laughter. He closes up his gown and winks at the group of girls that boo him in response and claps Principal Rowland on the shoulder. The two shake hands as Nate receives his diploma and Principal Rowland smiles reluctantly at the dazzling grin Nate offers him. That was the thing about Nate. Every fucking person in the universe loved him and his unapologetic swagger.

"I'm definitely going to fuck Nate at the after party today. He's so sexy." I hear a girl behind me whisper and her friends break out into giggles.

I scrunch my nose in disgust and ignore them entirely. The downside to having a popular manwhore twin was constantly having to hear about his sex life which was way too active these days. I'm no virgin, thanks to my ex Dean Tory, but I hardly get around like Nate and Asher. Those two rule this school and everyone knows it. They're complete opposites but make one hell of a duo, Nate with his outgoing and flirtatious tendencies and Asher with his quiet but alluring demeanour. Nate is a total sweetheart and Asher is a cocky asshole and girls go equally insane for them both.

Path To Realization (Fighter's Den, #4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ