Chapter 15

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Jake stumbled beneath my onslaught. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Marie and the grey-haired man begin to leave. "Hey," I called. "Not gonna watch Jake get his ass kicked?"

Without turning around, Marie said, "That's not my job." I snorted before catching grey- hair's eyes. He gave me a subtle nod. Good, I had allies.

Jake got to his feet from where he had fallen. I grinned down at him. "Oh, you're still getting up. I thought you would have run by now."

"Shut up," he roared, swinging a fist at me. I summoned some of my blue energy in my hand and struck him across the back with it. He snarled like a wounded dog as he fell.

As he stood up, I noticed he wasn't heading for me but for the kids. I shot two more blades of energy at him. It didn't faze him. I looked at the big guy and yelled, "Get the kids out of here. I'll take care of this jerk." He nodded, and I lowered my energy shield. As I tackled Jake to the ground, the stranger grabbed Shinwu up and herded the other two in front of him.

I struck at Jake again and again with my power, him hissing the whole time. Finally regaining his bearings, he shot his power at me. I barely had enough time to dive out of the way. Damn, I was rusty.

He got up to go after the kids again, but I blocked him. "You really should stop turning your back on me." I went to get inside his mind only to find myself blocked by a stone wall.

In the split second it took me to recover from my shock, Jake blasted me to the side. My head hit the wall hard enough I saw stars. Jake laughed. "I had some upgrades done. Now, you can't get in my mind anymore, little witch."

I struggled to rise, but it was too late. Jake cause the whole section of roof to fall on top of me, making me blackout.

I woke up to my entire body screaming in protest. I had managed to get a shield up to soften the impact, though it was still pretty hard. My thoughts went to the kids. Even with the stranger's help, they wouldn't be able to survive. With a yell, I broke the rock surrounding me.

Standing up, I immediately knew that my arm was broken. It would be a hindrance, but I would deal. Biting my lip, I transported to where the kids were.

Jake had Shinwu by the throat. I took Jake out at the knees before he had a chance to blink. At the same time, Raziel arrived in all his shadowy glory, his eyes gleaming. Shinwu scrambled away from Jake.

Before I could blink, the grey-haired guy struck out at Jake, who had stood back up. Jake looked down at the claw marks on his chest. "M-21."

"Jake," M-21's face was full of hatred. "Where's M-24?"

"He's somewhere in there. Big tomb for a big guy," Jake said.

My eyes widened. I had known when I hadn't seen M-24 that something bad had happened. I just hoped I had been wrong.

Anger and guilt rushed through my veins. I waited for M-21 to attack before I snuck behind Jake and kicked him in the head. He stumbled forward before I felt power begin to ooze off him. He was transforming. I went to back away, but his hand reached out grabbed my broken arm. I screamed out in pain.

Raziel was there in a second. His hand snapped out to grab Jake's wrist, much like I had done to Shinwu when he had tried to hurt Raziel. "Kneel," Raziel whispered.

Jake hit his knees, his hand letting go of me. "I can'"

Raziel's voice was cold with fury. "You will never touch her again."

Jake roared, his body coming more transformed into a hideous but powerful creature. Without thinking, I grabbed Raziel's arm and pulled him behind me. I also put a barrier around the kids, myself, Raziel, and even M-21. Jake roared down at us.

"You surprised me, but no more showing off. I will use my new power on you in return, and crush your pretty face as a bonus," Jake's gaze turned to me. "Right after I destroy her." And then, his fists came down on the barrier protecting Raziel and me.

Raziel brushed against my mind. Give me your hand.

No, I can do this on my own. You don't need to use your power. I gritted my teeth as my body shuddered under the strain of protecting us. Barriers always were my weak point, and it didn't help that Jake was extremely strong.

Rai-Lin, keep this up, and you will get everyone killed.

I bowed my head and took Raziel's hand. The barrier dropped.

Jake was blasted backwards as I allowed the piece of Raziel's power that lied inside me to flow to him. It would add to his strength without sapping mine in return. It was a phenomenon that had happened when we were married.

I struggled to remain standing as Raziel again told Jake to kneel. Jake crumpled to his knees. I would have taunted him if I just wasn't so tired. I began to sway only to have firm hands catch me as I fell. Those hands were careful of my arm as they lowered me to the ground. They belonged to M-21, who was looking down at me with concern.

"Rai," the kids said. I was fighting to keep the barrier around them. Raziel turned to them and waved his hand. They all fell unconscious.

I watched through bleary eyes as Raziel reached up to the now freed Jake and took some of his blood. "Your sin" Raziel began as the blood field began to surround Jake, who was freaking. "Shall be paid with your blood." And then, Jake was gone, devoured by blood.

I let the barrier around the kids fall as Frankie's voice rang out. "Master, I have finished the job," Then, his eyes landed on me. He rushed to my side. "Rai-Lin!" He took me from M-21.

"Ugh, brother, not so loud," I said, feeling better now that I wasn't having to keep a barrier up, not that I was feeling great.

M-21 straightened up as something came over his earpiece. He dashed over to the rock pile where M-24 was buried, screaming at him to hang on. Finally, the screaming stopped, and M-21 sobbed. I knew M-24 was dead. I couldn't feel his mind, no matter how hard I searched.

I shakily got to my feet. I brushed off Frankie's concerned hand and Raziel's sad gaze, walking over to M-21 and laying a hand on his shoulder. He flinched before saying, "What happened? I thought you were fighting Jake."

My voice was quiet. "I was. I ordered M-24 to get the kids out because Jake was getting stronger. I tried to penetrate Jake's mind, but he somehow managed to block me. He brought half a building down on my head. I transported here as soon as I woke up, but I was too late."

"Can you," M-21's voice hitched. "Can you feel M-24's mind?"

"No, I'm sorry. I should have done better." I squeezed his shoulder.

"Don't be sorry," he said, wiping away his tears. "You tried to bring Jake down, too."

"Still, I know loss. I know how devastating it can be. Just don't let it consume you like I did."

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