Chapter 23

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I decided to follow M the next day after he confided in me that he was going to tell the nobles what happened. I didn't want him to face them without backup, especially since they would easily overpower him. He knew it, too, which was the only reason he allowed me to tail him.

I hid a great distance away, using my connection to M's mind to know if he was in any danger. I could just barely see him from my place atop a building. Yep, I was on top of a building again, this time without being dragged around by Frankie. I let out a sigh of relief as the two parted ways without killing each other.

I made my way down to M's side. "So, you told them." I said.

He stuck his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, I'm not sure they believed me though."

"Nobles can be stubborn that's for sure." I smiled slightly, remembering a very stubborn little boy. He was of age now with a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders. I just hoped he wasn't too burdened.

M glanced down at me since he was over a head taller. "You don't just know them. You know them well."

"Well, I did live with them for a while. I still visit from time to time, though they don't know it."

M started. "How old are you?"

I faked a gasp and hit his arm. "M, don't you know better than to ask a lady her age?" He chuckled before I became serious. "Let's just say I've been around a very long time."

He was quiet for a moment. "Did you recognize those two when they first arrived?"

"Yes. I've watched them grow up, though they don't know it. When I stopped living with the nobles, I wiped all but a couple of their minds of me. They don't know I ever existed." My eyes were downcast.

M noticed this. "And that makes you sad."

"Yes," I said before pasting a smile on my face. "It's for the best, though. It keeps both them and me safe. That's all I can ask for."


M and I walked around until it was dark. As we were heading home, my head began to hurt. Visions flashed before my eyes of Shinwu running towards a fight. I groaned. That boy just couldn't stay out of trouble.

M's hand was on my back. "What is it?"

"Shinwu just got into another fight. I'm gonna go break it up. See you at home." I waved before transporting.

I always transported just outside the target zone, so no one would see me appear. I did that now before running to where I could feel Shinwu's mind. I caught up with him just in time for me to see the last guy fall to the ground. I placed my hands on my hips. "Did you get in another fight?" I asked sternly. Shinwu shrunk back. I noticed there was another man here but pretended I didn't. "Why didn't you invite me?"

Shinwu laughed, scratching the back of his head. "I didn't want to bother you."

I looked around, "Why did you get into a fight this time?"

"These guys," Shinwu gestured to the guys he had beaten up. "were robbing this guy." He waved at the guy I had noticed before.

I bowed my head to the man. "It's a good thing you stopped them," I said before scanning this man's thoughts. It took everything I had not to stiffen when I saw a man ordering this man to find M-21. I wanted to attack the man in front of me right there, but the children were around. I settled instead for casting my mind out for M's. M, you need to get home right now.

What? Is something wrong?

As long as you get home now there isn't. I'll follow as soon as I can to explain everything. Just get home.

There must have been something in my tone because his answer was quick and agreeable. Okay.

I pulled out of my thoughts as one of the men stirred on the ground. The glint of metal caught my eye, and I lunged towards the stranger, knocking him out of the way as a shot rang out. I jumped off him, kicking the gun out of the man's hand. I scooped it up and whipped him across the face with it. He fell unconscious.

I glanced at the stranger, who was staring at me in shock. Why had I saved him? I didn't know. Maybe because I couldn't let someone die in front of the kids. Maybe it was because, despite the fact he was looking for M, I could feel kindness and a sense of goodness in his mind. I had the feeling there was something being used to blackmail him.

The stranger got to his feet as Shinwu and Yuna rushed over to me. "Lin, are you okay? You're bleeding." Yuna pointed to my arm.

Sure enough, the bullet had grazed me. It wasn't deep, just enough to be a nuisance since I would also have to let it heal at a normal rate. I covered it up with my hand. "It's just a scratch. Don't worry about it. I'll have Frankenstein check it over when I get home."

The stranger approached me then. "You should at least wrap it up. Here, let me." He tore off a piece of his own shirt and tied it across the wound. I could hear him projecting statements about how stupid he was to get caught off guard and let me get hurt. So, he was feeling regret.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

"No. Thank you."


I wasn't thrilled when the stranger offered to treat us. I was even less thrilled when the children agree to let him. So, here I was, sitting at a café with a complete stranger and two kids. I wouldn't have let them come at all, but I had read the stranger's mind. He had no intention of hurting the kids, just M.

"You didn't have to do this..." Shinwu said.

"No, I'm sorry to you three. I should treat you better, especially after your friend took a bullet for me, but you insisted not to," the stranger said. I noticed he talked with his hands.

I shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal."

"You three remind me of my sister." His face grew sad. So, that's what they were holding over him.

"You have a younger sister?" Yuna asked.

"Yes, she's about your age."

"That's cool. Lin has an older brother. Yuna and I are only children," Shinwu took another sip of his drink as I turned my glare on him.

"Must you always go around telling people that I have a brother?" I asked. "It creates a lot of awkward situations."

The stranger looked at me. "Are you and your brother not close?"

I flinched. This was dangerous water. "My brother and I have our ups and downs like any siblings."

The stranger went to speak but was interrupted by Yuna's phone going off. She glanced down at it. "I'm sorry, but we need to go. Our friends are waiting for us."

The stranger looked at me for a moment longer before saying, "No problem. I'm sorry to have kept you from leaving. Please, go meet your friends."

Yuna and Shinwu waved goodbye while I simply bowed my head. I had a feeling this could get bad in a hurry now that the kids were involved.

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