Chapter 30

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I whirled around to see Takio screaming at us to stop. "My sister," he ground out. My mouth dropped open. There was no way in hell this was his sister. She was everything Takio wasn't. I had a suspicion, but I had to make sure. I needed to get inside her head.

Now, I had mastered getting into someone's head without them knowing, even if they did have walls up. And Dr. Aris had some strong walls. It was risky as my body would be completely vulnerable, but I trusted Frankie to take care of me.

I pushed and pushed, looking for weak points, until I felt it finally give in. I was in her mind in seconds, looking at all her memories. That's when everything became clear. She had been using Takio from the beginning. She wasn't his sister at all.

I was thrown out her mind by a sudden surge of power. I came back to myself to see her absorbing Takio much like Crans had absorbed Shark. I saw red. In an instant, I had transported behind her and wrenched her away from Takio. "Not my brother, you bitch," I snarled. And I dove back into her mind.

I went on a rampage, destroying everything I could find. I could hear her screaming from a long distance away. I wasn't just destroying her mind. My powers were raging to destroy her body as well. She would pay for what she had done to Takio.

I was nearly finished destroying her when something slammed into me from the side. The sudden force led to me being ripped from her mind much more violently than before. Her memories began to blur with mine in a painful and unpleasant way, which was a very bad thing. It meant I was losing my identity. The screams I was hearing now were my own.

There was a presence in my mind, a presence I felt I should know but couldn't place. It swept away all the memories that weren't mine until I was myself again. I recognize the presence now. It was Raizel.

I could see again, my eyes wide open. I looked around to see that I was in Takio's arms with Raizel, Frankie, and M standing nearby. Takio had tears coursing down his cheeks, though his eyes were closed. He was crushing me to him.

Reaching up, I brushed away his tears. His eyes snapped open. "Rai-Lin," he breathed. "You're alive." He buried his face in the crook of my neck. "You're alive," he said again.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay." I placed my hand over his.

He pulled back. "You were screaming, and then you stopped. I thought you were dead." Fresh tears cascaded down his cheeks.

"I'm okay," I repeated. "Let me up."

Takio retracted his arms, leaving me free to stand up. I swayed a little, pain lancing up my side. I grit my teeth before reaching a hand down to Takio, who I noticed was bleeding. I wondered how much life force Dr. Aris took from him. I hauled him to his feet even though I nearly fell over myself. Takio frowned. He was wobbly, so I threw his arm over my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

I flashed him a smile. "Don't be," I healed his wound. "I can't replenish your life force-that can only be done by time-but I can at least take away your pain."

Takio hung his head. "I don't deserve this."

"You deserve everything."

Raizel walked up to us then. "What you did was very risky. If I hadn't been there..."

"I would have gone insane and tried to kill all of you. I know," I looked down. "I let my emotions get the better of me. It seems to be my biggest flaw."

"I don't think I could have killed you," Raizel admitted. "I don't think any of us could."

"Frankie could have," I said automatically. "If it put you in danger, Frankie would kill me." Raizel only hummed in thought.

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