Chapter 21

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"The alarm goes of and I groan. I am so sleepy. Last night, me and Hannah stayed awake playing UNO and we laughed so hard. We made up new rules and made the game more fun. I smile at the memory and get up to wake Hannah. 

"No... I wanna sleep!" She groans and turn the other side and cover her head with the blanket. 

"Han, wake up. If you don't, mom will know that we stayed up last night and she will scold me." We were supposed to do homework and sleep but we did neither. 

"I don't want to go to school. I didn't finish my homework." Hannah sits down on the bed and rub the sleep away from her eyes. 

"Neither did I. But can't help it. We have to go." I get up and take my stuff to go the bathroom. We all share just one bathroom so we have to keep each of our stuff in our rooms cause dad finishes them all. 

Just as I'm about leave the room, mom calls us from downstairs. "Are you guys going to school today?" 

I look at Hannah and she hold the same confused expression as me. Mom never asks us if we are going to school. She is more like "You have to go to school."  

I don't answer her as I can hear her coming up the stairs. She pokes her head in to the room. "Anyone too sleepy to get out of bed?" 

Me and Hannah stare without answering. We might look like 2 dears caught in headlight.

"Oh come on! I heard you guys laughing last night. I know you stayed up playing and I also know you guys didn't do homework." She crosses her hands across her chest but she is smiling. 

"How do you know that?" I ask. 

"Yea! What if we did do the homework and then play?" Hannah asks, challengingly. 

Mom comes towards Hannah and get on the bed. "Because I know you guys. If you can play, Homework is completely forgotten." She tickles Hannah playfully and they both laugh. I laugh as well. 

Then mom stops and Hannah hugs her. "I don't want to go to school. I can stay at home. Right mom?"

Mom looks at me but I shake my head. "I actually have to go. I have a test today and I can't miss it." I shrug when I see that Hannah is scowling. 

Mom sighs. "Okay then. Dad is home. Make sure you stay out of his reach but in the distance where he can see you. Do not go outside. Do you understand?"

I roll my eyes but say nothing. Mom is so over protective of us. It's not like there are kidnappers just roaming in the streets in broad daylight. Anyways, she can just stay inside the house and play. 

Hannah says okay and hug mom again. I leave the two of them to go to the bathroom to get ready to go to school. 

I do have a test today but more importantly, me and my friends, we all want to go out to this new restaurant, named "Cafe Aroma", that was opened, just around the corner from school. It was opened last week. Everyone says the food there taste amazing. So we thought of trying it out today. If I don't go today,I have to wait another week to go cause every other day, we are busy with after school stuff. 

I get dressed quickly, all the while listening to Hannah whine about how she is going to miss me when I go to school. After getting ready and making my bag, I put in on my shoulder and go to Hannah and hold her face with both my hands as lean in closer.

"If you are going to kiss me, make it quick." she says smiling and closing her eyes tight. 

"Oh no. I'm gonna make it sloppy and put a lot of spit into it." I open my mouth and put my tongue out trying to lick her.

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