Chapter 13

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You were helping the kid to change into his new pajamas after diapering him when someone knocked the door. Since you were busy, your captain went to open it. It was Bepo.

"Hi. I'm coming to take Law with me. He wanted to sleep with me today," he explained as you finished dressing the kid.

"Can I go?" chibi Law asked you.

"You don't want to sleep with me tonight?" you questioned.

"I want to go with Bepo this time. Just today. Please?" he begged.

You smiled sweetly, loving the fact they were so fond of each other. You sent your captain a questioning look, not sure if he agreed with the idea, but he answered with a nod.

"All right, you can go. Be good, okay?" you finally accepted.

"Okay!" he exclaimed before running to Bepo.

He stopped in his tracks halfway to run back to you and give you a hug.

"Do you give me a kiss?" you asked squatting down.

He gave you a sweet peck on your cheek and you kissed his forehead, as usual.

"Go give Captain a hug," you whispered before letting him go.

He did as you said, and run to Law to tightly hug his legs, surprising him, before running to Bepo once again.

"Good night," Bepo said as he started closing the door.

"Bepo," your captain called him.

He stopped and reopened the door.

"Does anybody have found any kind of information?"

"No, Captain. No news. I'm sorry," Bepo apologized.

"Okay. Thank you, Bepo. You can go now," Law dismissed Bepo, who finally closed the door with a bow of his head. "I should head back to my room as well," he said once you were alone.

"Yeah, of course. I was thinking about going to sleep too," you commented sitting on the bed.

But he noticed a spark of disappointment in your eyes and his heart clenched.

"I... really enjoyed spending some time with you today," you added with a soft smile on your lips, avoiding looking at him.

"Me too," he admitted to your surprise.

You raised your gaze to meet his stoic face and smiled widely. "Good night, Captain," you mumbled.

"Good night," he replied, turning to leave. But he paused for a moment before turning back to you. "(Y/N)-ya?" he called.

You fixed your eyes on his face, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm sorry."

Your eyes widened in surprise. "Why?" you managed to ask, clearly confused.

He shoved his hands into his pockets, averting his gaze. "For being so distant and rude to you, when all you wanted to do is spend some time with me. I'm not used to having someone who wants to be with me," he muttered.

You blinked, taken aback by his confession. "I should apologize too. I probably was too annoying, insisting so much over it. And I'm sorry for making fun of you. I didn't know I hurt you by doing so. That was never my intention. I just wanted to get a bit of your attention, and upsetting you seemed the only way to get it," you confessed with a low voice, staring in embarrassment at your knees.

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