Chapter 20

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"... and (Y/N)-ya and I will search at the library and book shops as well," Law finished his speech.

It was noon, and you had just arrived to the next island. Law was distributing the island in areas, like he did on the last one. The crew was divided in groups and each group would cover one area. This island was smaller than the last one, so it shouldn't take too long.

You were near the dock, where Law had surprised you by grabbing your hand in front of the crew, which had caused his speech to be accompanied by occasional snickers on your crewmates' behalf.

"That's all. Everything clear?"

"Aye-aye, Captain!" everyone exclaimed.

"Fine," Law concluded. "Just one more thing," He added, pulling you to stand in front of him and circling your waist with his arms, to your embarrassment. "I deduce, from your continuous girly giggles, you already know (Y/N)-ya is my girlfriend now. I just wanted to clarify something: if any of you dares to make any type of comment about our relationship, that makes my naughty nurse uncomfortable, he will spend a whole month without hands."

You blushed at the familiar name he had used, your brow twitching in annoyance.

"Have I made myself clear?"

"Aye-aye, Captain," the crew repeated, less cheerfully this time.

You turned to Law as he released you, an upset look in your eyes. "You were listening!" you accused him in irritation. "Why didn't you help me? Traitor!"

"Sorry," he apologized, although you could clearly see he wasn't sorry at all. "I couldn't help it. You look so cute when you're embarrassed..."

You stuck your tongue at him, not accepting his fake apology.

"Oh, it's been a while since I last saw your adorable tongue," he teased you, making you blush further. He chuckled. "See? Too cute." He smiled, pulling you into a hug.

"I'm boooored," chibi Law protested for the millionth time since you got to the library. You had checked various book stores already, and were trying your luck in the library now.

In this island they seemed to have more information about the fog, but it wasn't the information you were looking for, so you finally decided to go to the library, hoping to find something more interesting in older books. But chibi Law was starting to lose his patience at the boring task.

"I know, honey, but this is important. We need to do this so you can go back with your family," you whispered tiredly, leafing through a thick old book. It talked about the island weather.

"But I'm bored!" he shouted.

"Shhhh!" you hushed him. "Don't shout, be quiet."

Some people glanced at you disapprovingly.

You looked up to Law when you heard him sigh. "We've been here for hours. Why don't you take him out while I finish with this book? Leave me yours; I'll look over it as well," he mumbled.

"All right. We'll be outside," you silently replied, pushing the book towards him since you were sitting at a long table to read more comfortably.

You took the child's hand and left the library.

As soon as you were outside, chibi Law released your hand and started running and cheering.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now