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My therapist used to tell me that writing things down would help my anger issues. After he told me that, I burned his office to the ground with a match.

I didn't schedule the next appointment. 

That was almost three years ago, I had just gotten out of my doctorate program at Yardford University and was officially a licensed Evil Scientist (my degree literally says: Doctorate of Wicked Sciencetry).

Those were the good days before I had an arch-nemesis.

College had been the time of my life, grad-school was even better, but now, now my arch-nemesis doesn't even seem to have the time to fight me anymore. It's as if he has something better to do as if he didn't see me as enough of a threat.

Well, I would change that, you know why? Because I'm Doctor Nihilistical, super-evil genius, and master of all anxiety.

Yeah, maybe I should have listened to my therapist before I killed him.

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