Part 3

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Lisa's POV

After what I saw at the bar, I decided to went to Jennie's house after I drive Jisoo back to her own house but before it, I stopped over at a convenience store and bought a lot of beers.

I have a spare key to Jennie's house that's why it's easy for me to enter.

I slowly walked towards her room and plopped myself down in her soft bed with my face first.

I inhaled her sweet scent that was always making me relax before but now, it'll only making my heart clenched a bit more. I couldn't breathe normally due the pain I had inside.

I harshly went up again and reached for the canned beers I've bought and opened one of them then chugged it's content in one go.

The bitter and burning sensation coated my throat but it does nothing to the pain I have in my heart. I opened another can and does the same to its content.

After I finished countless number of canned beers, my eyes fell on the picture on her bed side table.

My hands unconsciously went for the framed photo and bore my eyes to it.

It was me and Jennie on our college graduation. Both of us had this wide smile on our faces and we both look so happy and contented in there. Like no one or nothing could ever make us apart.

What went wrong, Nini?

One by one, my tears fall from my eyes as I stroke the picture with my trembling hands. The pain in my heart escalated as the vision of that man kissing Jennie and how she laughs with him flashbacks on my mind.

I didn't have to question it, I'm not that dumb towards everything. I can clearly see and understand that Jennie is cheating on me with that man.

Jennie being so distant from me for a month now finally dawned in me. The reasons for her 'emergency meetings' and 'overtimes' finally made sense to me now.

What I couldn't really understand is how the hell she managed to do this to me? I gave her everything I have, my whole attention, time, and effort, everything.

"You could not give her everything."

A little voice echoed in my mind.

Ah, yeah. I couldn't give her everything.

From the very fact that I'm a woman and he's man, you could already know what I couldn't give her.

As my tears continued to fall from my eyes, my grip on the picture frame slowly loosen. I watched as it fell on the floor and the glass shattered into tiny pieces.

Just like my heart.

I then heard the door creaked open.

My gaze then shifted to the door from the floor.

I saw the only woman that is capable in making me feel heaven and hell at the same time.

She was so busy with her phone while struggling to strip off her heels that's why she didn't noticed me right away.

I didn't do anything to make her notice me, I just watched her every movement.

I could feel my heart beat faster than usual, just like every time I get to see her.

Damn, she still have the same impact on me despite of what she did to me.

And when she finally noticed me, I heard her gasp on surprise, placing her hand over her chest.

"Gosh! Lisa you startled me!" She exclaimed.

I didn't say anything, I just continued on looking at her.

How could this angelic woman broke my heart into pieces?

"Hey, Lisa. Are you listening to me? And what kind of mess is this? Are you drunk? Gosh! I'm already tired from the meeting at the office and your making me clean all this mess? Aish!" I heard Jennie ranted at she pick up the empty cans of the beer on her floor.

I'm still fine and not that drunk, I can totally understand and comprehend everything that she just said but it feels like my body has it's mind of it's own that demands me not to do anything and just stare at her.

When Jennie finally reached in front of me, ready to pick up the broken glass from the shattered picture frame, I abruptly held her hand.

"Why, Jennie?" I asked her with a broken voice as I looked down into her eyes, new tears threatening to fall from my own.

I saw how shock flicker in her eyes but quickly covered it with confusion as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What are you talking about, huh Lisa? You're really drunk, you should go home now." She then said as she shoved my hold on her hand and stood up to reach for the broom and dustpan to sweep of the broken glass and picked the picture then crumpled it and put it all on the trash bin.

My heart sank at what she did.

I abruptly went to the trash bin though my legs are wobbling and stumbled on my way there.

Ignoring the pieces of the broken glass piercing my hand, I looked for the crumpled picture and when I did, I lay it on the floor and straighten it with all my might with my hands full of blood from the wounds I have.

"No, no." I repeatedly said as I continued to straighten the crumpled picture. I didn't know that my tears were flowing like a waterfall from my eyes, blurring my sight.

"Lisa, your hands were bleeding, stop that!" Jennie exclaimed as she tried to snatch the picture away and get a hold of my hand.

And when she finally succeeded on keeping me still by holding both of my bleeding hands on her one hand and my shoulder on the other, she looks at me with a furry gaze.

"It was just a picture, Lisa! You honestly went over the trash just for that?!" Jennie exclaimed at me.

I was silent for about a minute, just looking directly at her eyes with tears continuously cascading down from my eyes and pain visible on it.

"It was you and me, Nini. You and me." I utter slowly and painfully while still looking deeply on her eyes before my vision turned to black and passed out.

Crumpled picture, broken us, Jennie.

Lies - Truth (JenLisa FanFic) ✨ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now