Part 11

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Lisa's POV

One week had gone so fast. We are now packing back our things cause our long vacation is now over.

"I want to stay here for a little longer!" I whined as I plopped myself on the soft and fluffy queen size bed here on the cabin's masters bedroom.

I closed my eyes as I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

I don't know when could I relax myself like this again coz I know for sure that when I come back to the company, piles and piles of papers were needed to be reviewed and signed, then I have to go to those pending business trips in my list and attend the meetings in line at both on mine's and Dad's company.

But then the memory of what happened the past week bought a satisfied smile on my lips.

Jennie and I spend the whole vacation together with no interruption from anyone or anything.

We went to the night market they had nearby, we also did food trip and stroll on their mall, but mostly, we just spend the day lying on the bed, wrapped in each other's tight hug, watching some series in Netflix or I was just sitting on the island counter while watching my gorgeous girlfriend cook something for us and just simply droll over her and the food.

Those are just simple things yet brings huge joy in my heart. Those are the things that we use to do before and by just doing it again sends me comfort that it's still me who's in her heart.

"I hate to break it to you, but you need to stand up there coz we really have to go home now, Love." I then heard the only voice that I won't be tired of from hearing.

My lips automatically form into a genuine smile.

Jennie has been so extra sweet this week. It was like we were just became official a month ago. The feeling was overwhelming that I almost felt like flying over the cloud9 and being held by the angels.

I slowly flutter my eyes open and there I saw the only woman that can turn my world upside-down.

"Is it possible to love you more with each passing second, Love? Coz that is really happening to me right now." I said as I locked my gaze into her black feline eyes that I adore the most.

Jennie then let out the most heavenly laugh I ever heard that left me mesmerized.

"You and your flowery mouth, Lalisa." She said as she rolls her eyes but still with her infamous gummy smile.

"Say, you love it when this flowery mouth of mine was in between your legs though." I playfully winked at her that caused Jennie's cheeks turn into crimson red.

"Yah! You pervert!" She whines as she cover her face with both of her hands in embarrassment.

I laughed out loud at her cuteness as I continued to tease her,

"What? You're even screaming and begging for mo-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when Jennie suddenly straddle on my top and placed her arms on my side, locking me, making my face flustered.

"As you were saying, Baby?" She seductively whispered on my ears as she leans her face closer to mine.

Jennie then trace her hand on my cheeks down to my chin and I swallowed the lump on my throat as I felt the electricity jolted from her touch.

But before I could formulate an answer, Jennie suddenly cupped my breast with her other hand and massage it lightly that caused a moan of pleasure to escape from my mouth.

"N-Nini..." I whimpered as she continued to roam her hands on my body and traced her tongue on my quivering lips that's anticipating for her sweet kisses.

I could feel my body temperature rise with each passing second as my core throb, wanting to be explored by this sexy kitten on top of me.

But we were interrupted by a phone ring.

Jennie abruptly stopped what she was doing and swiftly took her phone that was ringing and make her way towards the door. Without sparing me a glance, she left me here alone, sulking and with a heart breaking.

I could feel my tears brimming on my eyes.

This pain in my heart is not because she left me in the middle of something intimate but the way her beautiful smile be drawn on her lips and how her face glow up after seeing the name of her caller, that look didn't go miss on my watch.

I know for sure that it was not one of her friends coz she specifically had a ringtone for them, as well as her parents and mine. And Jennie doesn't give that phone's number to just anyone, she had a different phone for work and other purposes and I'm definitely sure that she left it home.

The tears I was holding finally fall from my eyes.

I thought we are fine now, Jennie.



Jennie's POV

"Where are you now, Babe? Your secretary told me that you took an off for the whole week but she didn't tell me where exactly." Kai abruptly asked after I answered his call.

"I just went to Nayeon's cabin, Babe. Don't worry, I'll be back home tonight." I smiled as if he would see me.

"Are you with that good-for-nothing girlfriend of yours?" He asked with a hint of irritation on his voice that made me silent for a moment but I quickly answered him as soon as I recovered from my trance.

"No, of course, Babe. I went for a vacation by myself. She doesn't know where am I right now." I lied. Those words naturally rolled off of my tongue.

I heard him sigh of relief on the other line.

"Good to know. Now, come home quickly, I miss you damn much." Kai said in a softer manner this time.

"Aww. I miss you too. But don't wait for me tonight, I know that you're still tired from your trip. Just take a rest for now and I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I said to him but before he could say anything I continued,

"And please, no buts." I laughed as I heard him groan in defeat.

"Okay, okay. See you tomorrow then." He said.

"Okay. See you. Bye." I responded and hung up.

I lowered my phone and looked at it for a moment before I turn around to walk back inside the cabin.

A brand new week to start tomorrow.

Heavens, please guide me.

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