Chapter Two: Standing Tall

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Logan Myers smoothed back her daughter's hair and stooped down to drop a kiss to the top of her head when Rori looked up at her, a grin on her little face and excitement in her green eyes. At four years old, she was entertained by everything going on around her and she thought meeting Landon's friend was the coolest thing ever. Logan didn't want to ruin the fun for her daughter by showing her how nervous she really was.

She straightened up and glanced over at Landon, dread coiling in her stomach; making her feel nauseous. Landon had earned it, but she didn't trust men easily after what had happened and she couldn't help but feel anxious about this meeting. What if Stanford Williams was really a bad man parading around like a hero, fooling everyone around him?

Her heart kicked into overdrive when Landon knocked on the door, and felt like it was going to explode when it opened to reveal the most intimidating man she had ever seen.

He easily towered over her by at least a foot, making her just below average height look dainty and small. His ice blue eyes were snaked with gold and appeared to take in every detail, no matter how small. Blonde hair brushed the collar of his shirt and scruff decorated his strong jaw. He had nice full lips meant for smiling, but his face was twisted up in a scowl. Muscles bulged from underneath his shirt when he moved his arm to shake Landon's hand, and Logan felt herself blush when Rori tugged on her hand to get her attention; making it very obvious to herself that she had been staring.

"Mama, he's tall," Rori whispered, staring up at the man in front of them with awe. She had the same reaction when she met Landon, a sheltered girl meeting a giant for the first time and not knowing what to do about it. Logan's heart skipped a beat when Stanford Williams stooped down in front of her daughter and smiled, his entire face transforming from dangerous predator to charming prince in just seconds.

"Landon and I are the short ones of our group. If you'd like to come in with your mom, I'll introduce you to the really tall ones." Rori clapped her hands excitedly and danced into the house, twirling around Stanford. She looked back at Logan and held her hand out, knowing that she wasn't supposed to be anywhere alone with strangers. Logan might be overly paranoid but she felt better when she could see her daughter at all times, make sure that there was nothing lurking in the shadows waiting to grab her and run.

Logan took a deep breath and stepped inside of the house, grabbing onto her daughters hand and holding tight. Her sweet girl never complained when she did it, just squeezed back as tight as she could with her little fingers; just like now. It helped calm Logan's mind to know her daughter was still safe.

Stanford shut the door after Landon came in and guided them to the living room, his bare feet barely making a sound on the hardwood floors. Logan filed that information away for later, just in case he agreed to help them. She didn't need him sneaking up on her and giving her a heart attack just because he moved like a ghost.

Logan felt a sense of relief when they finally made it into the living room and she saw three other women there. She knew not all men were bad, but the scars she bore on her soul were a constant reminder that they could be, and these women standing at ease among such terrifying men made her feel better.

Rori let out a small gasp and tugged on her hand, pointing excitedly at the tallest man and doing a little dance where she stood. He passed off what looked to be a sleeping toddler to one of the identical looking women and came to stand in front of Rori and Logan, squatting down and grinning at them. Rori waved shyly and let out a small giggle when he winked at her.

"Hello, Rori. I'm Elijah." Logan perked up when she heard his faint accent, knowing that her daughter would love it. If nothing else came from this meeting, at least Rori would get to brag for weeks on end about meeting him.

Her daughter pulled her hand from Logan's and wrapped her chubby arms around Elijah's neck, letting out an excited squeal when he stood up and she towered over everyone else in the room.

"Uncle Elijah, put her down! I brought my other dress with me, we're gonna go play in the backyard!"

Logan looked over to where a small blonde child stood in the door way, decked out in a princess dress with another bunched up in her hands. She tapped her small foot impatiently until Elijah put Rori back down on the floor, and gave him a grin. She ran up to Rori and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the back door and opening it after Logan and another woman gave her a small nod. They could easily see into the backyard through a window and Logan didn't want to keep her daughter from making new friends.

"I apologize for Zoe. Poor kid has only got male cousins so when I told her you had a daughter around her age, she got a little over excited and went crazy. I'm Charlie Hopkins."

Logan shook hands and filed away names as introductions were made. Maddox and Darcy Reece with their adorable daughter, Parker. Darcy's twin, Lylah Howard. Elijah Moore and Damion Lee, with their infectious grins. There were varying degrees of separation that tangled everyone inside of the house together.

Stanford waved his hand around the living room before sitting down on the couch, Logan taking the hint and sitting down beside Lylah and Charlie. It gave her the perfect view to watch Zoe and Rori in the backyard, help calm the racing of her heart at the entire situation.

"I promise, you can trust them. I know it's hard to think that you can trust anyone with your daughter's life. But you can," Charlie whispered, placing her hand over Logan's.

It was the invitation that Logan needed, permission to look below the surface of the women surrounding her. She was well versed in the shadows that lived in their eyes, she saw her own every time she looked in the mirror. It was the permanent reminder they all shared, every single one of them with their own horrors that still haunted them from time to time.

She squeezed Charlie's hand and gave her a thankful smile before turning her attention to Stanford Williams. He wasn't what she had pictured in her head at all when Landon told her he had a friend who might be able to help her out, but she had to admit to herself that since she entered the house she felt safer in his presence.

"Logan, honey, why don't you tell us about why you need our help? Landon gave us a few bits of information, but we don't know all that much," Darcy encouraged, and Logan nodded her head.

This was the moment of truth. If Stanford Williams wanted to help her after he found out how badly she had messed up, then it would be a miracle. She just hoped that she didn't break her own heart when she explained she was responsible for the attack on her daughter.

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