VIII || Friends and Foes

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Running isn't supposed to be part of the plan.

Honestly, there isn't even a plan to begin with. But for the underground earth walls and grounds to move and shift like they're alive, that's almost too much for Lena to handle, and that's saying a lot considering her luck on the first day at a new institution.

As soon as they begun walking, the ground decides to move with them. Occasionally, the path narrows, or forms a hole that drops into God knows where. Soon, Lena finds herself running for her life, desperately trying to avoid them all and most importantly, being Earth food.

"Why did you have to pick this path?!" Neesha complains, panting as she jumps over another crater.

"It's not my fault this place seems alive!" Fai shouts.

They continue sprinting on, fighting for their lives. Despite feeling the need to crumble from her increasingly wobbly legs, Lena instead picks up speed. She marvels at how situations like this push her limits further.

For an amount of immeasurable time, all they know is nothing but fleeing. Then they come across a large, circular wide opening, contrasting the narrow paths they have been stumbling through. As soon the last of their group steps into the clearing, the path behind them closes, forming a solid rock wall.

"Shit," Neesha says, voicing out Lena's inner thoughts. "We're trapped."

Lena looks around in wariness of the moving grounds. Since the walls are wide and spacious, spreading out around them in a circumference now, they will not need to worry about slamming earth walls for the moment. "At least... I guess we can say we're safe for now?" Even Lena doesn't sound sure.

Though Lena and Neesha relax slightly, they tense again almost immediately at the sight of Fai, who's staring off at the opposite end from where they stand and where they've come from. He frowns.

"I'm not sure about safe, but we have company."

Lena's heart nearly beats out of her chest as she aligns her eye sight with Fai's. The earth wall shifts apart, and several students stumble in, catching their breaths. Unsure of what she was expecting — maybe monsters? Demons? But that'll be too silly — Lena sighs in relief as they now have more in numbers. These students who just arrived are probably thinking to get out of here, too.

Two boys and a girl appear, and two of them appear to be arguing, shouting at one another. Lena recognises one of the boys as Reyes, pacing quickly with his feet constantly dancing even on the spot, frowning as he covers his ears with his hands and seemingly mocking the other boy's shouts.

"This is all your fault!"

"Shut up!"

The girl, however, remains silent, keeping a safe and measurable distance from the two boys as if they are contagious. Her dark eyes dart around curiously — or cautiously — really fast, as if she's expecting something to attack her. Although Lena doesn't blame her for the extra vigilance in this situation, Lena is slowly starting to think she is often careful. The girl's movements — and very presence — is that of an assassin's, her feet light with grace but an extra nervousness. Her long bangs cover most of her left eye with an uneven cut, her shoulder-length dyed magenta hair in choppy strands.

When she looks in Lena's direction, Lena realised she's beautiful. Yet she seems to be toning herself down, hiding behind those bangs and instead trying to look small as she fits into the shadows. Realising Lena is also staring at her, her eyes shift away quickly as a blush creeps across her cheeks.

"Oh, it's you guys. I don't remember your names, though," Fai says suddenly.

"And I don't remember your name, either," the boy who was shouting at Reyes minutes ago snaps. He rolls his eyes, then turns his attention back at Reyes. "I could've copied his power and done something much more to scale," he mocks, crossing his arms. "Why not do something and get out of here if you're so talented?"

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