Follow Your Heart

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Hello it's me moon,

I am sure you have a lot of questions unanswered so let me help you clear your mind a bit,shall i?

As you may realised Alice passed on and you had the final choice,the ending of this book is an open ending, meaning that you can either decide who you want or you go back.

It's up to your imagination.

Now for Yoongi,Namjoon, fell asleep in the car so if you choose to return to your normal life you will dissappear in front of their eyes and forget you.

In their minds their memories will be replaced,they would have never met you but they would find Alice dead's body differently.

They would decide to search for clues as a group, plus Alice wish would never happened like it originally was meant to.

In the original you fell to the portal and got transferred to wonderland with no memories,but if you chose to return back in the end alice's wish would end up being for one of the members to be able to see the visions of her death etc.

Jin would be found either way he was the killer,but the members would have the choice to either forgive him or kill him.

Now if you chose to stay,you would wake up in the car after falling asleep and the story would proceed with you spending your days and developing your 'romance'.

So tell me...

What does your heart want?

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