Chapter 11 - Lost

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Sorry for the cliffhanger again! I had to add on a little something dramatic for my return! ;) Well I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! See you at the end of the chapter!

We got closer as our lips almost touched. Suddenly, Josh barged through the wooden doors, his face was red from running and he was panting hard as he bended down and tried to catch his breath.

Jax and I immediately pulled apart as our faces got redder when Josh looked up and made a weird face which somehow looked like he was disgusted before he had a cheeky smirk on his face as he laughed out loud with a finger pointing at Jax.

"Capo, I'm sorry for ruining your make out session!"

Jax grumbled as he got off the bed with an annoyed fierce look on his face.

"What do you want? Don't you remember how to knock?!"

"Yea well, it was important. The leaders are having a meeting right now and they need you there."

He rubbed his temples as he closed his eyes before turning around and telling me,

"Stay here, don't go anywhere. I don't want you to get lost here."

I crossed my arms in defiance as he stormed out of the room with Josh snickering behind him.

I fell back onto the bed as I realised what had almost happened. My first kiss was almost given away. Well, I know it wasn't but I don't remember kissing anyone else.

My face went to a deep shade of red as I slapped my hands over my face. I groaned out in frustration as I forgot he was a womaniser.

"Cmon, V. He's a womaniser! Don't fall for his tricks!"

I sat back up on the bed and I stared at the door for what seemed like hours. I checked the clock next to the bedside table.

12 a.m.

I fell back on the bed as my eyes started to droop and soon, I drifted off into sleep.

I suddenly had woken up as I checked the time.

3 a.m.

I looked around the dimly lit room for any sign of Jax. But to no avail, he still wasn't here. I wasn't planning on waiting for him any longer.

I got up from the bed and decided to wander around to find Jax or at least maybe try to find out what's our next step into this, now that every house is working together to stop this Monster madness.

I saw a closet at the far end of the room and a bathroom next to it. I decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up and to do whatever I needed to do.

I looked in the mirror as I saw my raven black hair tangled up in knots with twigs, leaves and thorns in them. My dress was torn and my white socks were pretty much black at this point.

I decided to take one last shower just in case I can't shower for a period of time. Thank goodness the water pipes weren't damaged down here. But the heater was definitely broken. Well, cold water is better for your skin?

I got out of the shower as I raided Jax's closet for something to wear

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I got out of the shower as I raided Jax's closet for something to wear. I found a small old gray T-shirt at the back of his closet and chose one of his button ups as my jacket and a smaller pair of ripped army jeans that could surprisingly fit me.

I found a set of weapons in another closet. I'm sure he wouldn't miss any, especially since I need it to protect myself too. I took something like a fanny pack and a utility belt and zipped it onto my waist.

I put a pistol into his holster at the side of the belt and I added a knife to the side of my thigh in case I needed it. I took a pair of gloves to just match my outfit and I got a random hair tie as the bottom of the closet and tied my hair up in a ponytail.

Lastly, there were boots that were smaller and still in good condition so I put that on, it may be a little big but after tying the laces, it was usable.

I walked into the bathroom to take a look at myself and smiled as I picked up the lamp next to the table and exited the room.

The hallways were cold and dark and the dripping sound of water made it scarier than it was. I tried to remember how to get back to the hall as I wandered through different sets of doors.

After a good 30 minutes I'd assume as some of the rooms I went into had battery operated clocks, I'd call myself lost. I couldn't find anyone or the main hall we had gather in.

I heard 3 voices talking inside a set of doors. One of the voices seemed oddly familiar... it sounded like... Rogue? There were 2 voices that I don't recognise though. I guess the meeting was over, I better hurry before Jax catches me.

Curiosity killed the cat they said.

"Cole, this is important. I saw one of your men open The North Gate. Is that why all these monsters attacked us? You brought them here?!"

"Well, the Midnight Wolves deserved the monsters attacking them. Listen up punk—"

"Shut up Cole."

"Yes Vincenzo."

Wait... was that? Vincenzo's voice? It... sounds familiar... I have to listen more.

"What are you doing here?" Someone furiously whispered as they pulled my shoulder to face me to them.

It was Jax.

"I... I got lost. I wanted to find you but—"

"Let's just get back to the room." He sounded disappointed as we walked down several halls before reaching back to his room.

On the way back, I could feel myself getting groggy. Not from the lack of sleep, but my head started to hurt and I could feel myself getting weaker as the whispers in my head got louder.

Jax's grip on my hand was getting tighter as he led the way. Just in time when I reached the bedroom, I collapsed onto the hard floor, my vision slowly turned black.

I could only hear Jax's voice slowly echoing softer and softer into my mind.

"V? Violet? Are you okay?"

~ To Be Continued ~

Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! The Guide of Redcrest's Tetrad Houses is next! Should I do a character introduction? It might be a little bit long though. What do you guys think?

Follow me @chloe.cwrites on Instagram for Updates and Sneak Peeks! See you and thank you for reading!

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