B2: Chapter 17 - Career Path - VI

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  "Wait, what's goin' on?" Maddie hissed to Jeremy as he walked her back up the driveway to Rachel's little hideout.

  "You're representin' the people who elected you. You're about to meet the leader of their people."

  "...You know I gotta be appointed to do that, right? That's all part of the Executive."

  "Goddammit, Maddie, she's not a foreign country."

  "Just sayin', if you want to play political metaphor, you gotta get 'em right."

  Jeremy shook his head. "Just get in there and do your thing."

  Maddie took a second to glance at her reflection in the front window. "Shit, I look terrible."

  "No you don't. Come on."

  Jeremy opened the door and pulled a reluctant Maddie over the threshold. They made their way back into the rear bedroom. Rachel sat next to Will's bed, waiting for them. She was typing away on a laptop, but set it aside and stood up to greet them. Maddie's slowly made their way up to her face, as if she couldn't believe what she was looking at.

  Jeremy nudged her, and she instantly reverted to her professional self. "It's an honor to meet you, Miss DuValle," she started, holding out her hand.

  Rachel shook it gently. "Likewise." She glanced at the doorway, where her mother had appeared. "Can we offer you anything? Coffee, tea?"

  "No, thank you."

  Rachel nodded, and Andrea disappeared back into the living room. As she did, Rachel reached into an expensive-looking leather pouch with a gold buckle at her side, and withdrew a handful of small rocks. She set them in Will's hand. His eyes closed in concentration, before his hand jerked upward in an uncomfortable way. The rocks vanished.

  The monitors by his bed flickered off, as did the lights in the room. The room was suddenly lit only by the pale sunlight streaming through the window.

  "Sorry, but it's a necessary precaution."

  "What did you just do?" Maddie asked curiously.

  "Disabled all electronics in the room."

  Maddie spun around to her brother. "She can do that?"

  Jeremy shrugged. "I've stopped askin' that question."

  Rachel coughed gently. "I needed to ensure this conversation was not recorded by electronic means. Feel free to take notes if you wish." She held out a notebook and pencil.

  Maddie shrugged. "I've never liked being on record anyway."

  Jeremy frowned. "If you're ever gonna return to society, though, then you'll have to have somethin' on record."

  "I don't ever plan on that," Rachel murmured.

  "Your people, then. I'm guessin' not all of them feel the same way?"

  She hesitated. "You're right, of course. When the time comes, if it is necessary I will testify under any form you require. For them." She glanced away. "Besides, she's already made it clear that I'm not ever going to stay in hiding."

  Maddie smiled. "You're already a better leader than half the people I work with."

  "Only half?" Rachel asked, the corners of her lips twitching. Oh thank God, she still has a sense of humor. This isn't gonna be as bad as I thought.

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