Transitions II - III

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  "The Federal Investigation Bureau has continued to refuse comment on all questions regarding the Rallsburg Diaries. While Pro Paradigm only made the existence public a day before, rumors are swirling that the FBI was already well-aware of the situation. In particular, Jeremy Ashe's sudden and unexpected removal from the case, as well as the testimony of more than a dozen officers of the Tacoma Police Department from Friday, October 26th, are now believed to be further evidence of a startling coverup. We've brought our chief federal correspondent Penelope Ramirez on, as well as Ted Winters, the Tacoma News anchor responsible for breaking the story. Ted, thanks again for joining us today."

  "It's a pleasure to be here, Frank."

  "Now, as I understand it Ted, you're one of the very few people to have actually seen the real copy of the Rallsburg Diaries, as well as the survivor who brought it to our attention."

  "That's correct."

  "Who are they?"

  "Now, now, I'm sure you're all aware I'm under a strict non-disclosure agreement. I can't reveal that information."


  "Suffice to say, it wasn't anyone we expected. Nor is it the author of the Diaries, as I think we've made clear."

  "Yes. The mysterious author. Cinza, correct?"

  "Yes. Portuguese for 'grey', I'm told."

  "Penelope, was this 'Cinza' ever a part of the FBI investigation?"

  "No, Frank. As far as we're aware, no one has ever heard of her, nor anyone even resembling her from the description in the first excerpt."

  "Ted, did she really write such a detailed description of herself, but fail to include even the slightest identifying information? No name, no nationality, nothing at all?"

  "She's an odd one, from the pieces I've read. I haven't gotten a chance to read the whole book, but let me tell you: she's going to surprise you."

  "If she's even real."

  "Our survivor confirms every word of the story."

  "Penelope, you think there's doubt?"

  "It's a written account from one perspective, Frank, not a report. There's going to be bias. If this diary is even accurate."

  "Hang on, are you suggesting it's a fake?"

  "I'm just stating my perspective, Ted. Someone shows up out of nowhere, claiming to survive the Rallsburg incident from months before, and with a nice and detailed written account of everything that happened? It's a bit too convenient."

  "We've heard about other survivors though. Jerry Hauserman, who survived the same amount of time before being murdered in Olympic Forest. Or Boris Morozov and Dan Rhodes in Canada. Plus there were rumors about Ryan Walker in Redmond, and of course the ongoing sightings of Hailey Winscombe. It's not like it's unheard of."

  "It's a fair point, Penelope. Why isn't this survivor believable?"

  "Well, until they show their face, I'm taking everything with a grain of salt, and you should too. Plus, all these ridiculous claims about magic. Magic, Frank. Ted, are you really suggesting magic is real?"

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