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I groaned as I felt my head smack against the rough floor, looking up at the man that stood above me. His orange sleeves had been torn to be shorter, and he was quit a bit bigger than me. I let my body go limp as he grabbed me by the color of my orange jumpsuit, pulling me close to his face.

"You're fucking useless, freak. Have fun rotting in hell for what you did to them- to all of them. To that child. You prolly didn' even know half their names, Freak! You killed them in cold blood, just like you killed your boyfriend. You just say he committed suicide to help yourself sleep at night! Well guess what? We know the truth. Even if you ain't gon' tell us!" He shouted, spittle forming around the corners of his thin lips. "What was his name...? Larry. Yeah, the Johnson kid. Use' tu' know him's fatha'. I'd commit suicide if I was with the likes of yous, too." He growled.

"Don't... don't say his name." I said, my voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper.

"What was that?!" He asked, more shouting than normal speaking.

"Don't you ever say his name... you disrespect it by simply speaking it. It sounds vile coming from you, and Larry wasn't vile." I stated, a bit louder this time.

"Is that a threat, Kid?! This kids tryna' threaten me! Oh boooooo hoooo! I killed my dad, and a little kid, feel bad for me! Tough luck, little boy. You're worthless, you'll never amount to anything. If I was you I'd take my bedsheets and hang myself- it'd be a lovely sight to see you swinging there in the morning." He spat, deafening cheers of support coming from the small crowd that formed around us.

"I think about it every day, trust me... but I think I'll stick around, make your life hell for the last three month I have left on this earth. Wouldn't what to rush fate, now would we?" I smiled, though he couldn't exactly see it. My mask had been replaced by a simple dust mask, provided by the prison. Apparently DR. Enon wasn't convincing enough to make them let me keep my prosthetic... typical.

Fireworks exploded in my vision as he threw me against the ground, my head bouncing off the floor.

"Stay down. It'll benefit ya'." He growled, walking away. The crowd followed him, stepping on me and purposely kicking me as they walked by. I get it. I killed a kid, she wasn't even... fuck... she was so young but I had to. She was... infected.

I rose the knife over my head, tears in my eyes as she asked for a piggyback ride. I slammed the sharp object down, blood flinging every which way... and when I opened my eyes? She was gone.

I shook the memory out of my head as tears welled in my eye.

"Hey, rookie. You alright? We can send for the nurse if you need it." James. A friendly voice. He was nice to everyone, pretty much a cops pet. I looked up at him, my eyes dull and devoid of emotion. He lent his hand, a small smile revealing lines of pearly white teeth.

"Why help me... they'll just hate you." I asked. He shrugged.

"Is' what me dad taught me to do. Be kind to eryone' and the world l' be kind to you." He smiled. If only he knew. I grabbed his hand, clenching my teeth as I stood up. We said our goodbyes and I made my way back to my cell, staring through the cold steel bars as they were shut and locked.

Tomorrow will be the same, and I've given up hope thinking otherwise.

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu