Chapter Ten

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After ten minutes had past Devolle announced dinner was ready and we were allowed to enter the room.

They had set the tables and adorned them with food that looked too beautiful to be touched and the smell of everything was making my mouth water. What was quite odd about that night was Madame allowed the servants to dine with us. Her excuse was she needed to emulate an actual formal dinner and having only three of us at the table would not do. Devolle happily took a seat next to me, the boy who ran off and gathered information that morning sat two seats down from Alveary who took the seat directly in front of me.

There were only a handful of servants who were unable to sit and eat with us because they had to serve the dishes. Madame had allowed them to eat prior, so they did not have to eat after everything had become cold. The more time I spent with Madame, the more it became abundantly clear that she had to have been less fortunate at a time in her life. There was no way someone with so much wealth would willingly treat people who were beneath them with such care, at least not to such lengths as what she had gone to.

"I would like to propose a toast." Madame stood up with her cup of wine in hand, "Tonight we rejoice over how quickly you, Isabelle, learned the basics of being a high-class woman in only two days, and with time to spare. It took a lot of hard work and dedication to succeed in such a feat, not only on her part but all of ours. I would like to thank all of you for being the hardest working, loyal and loving servants a woman like me could ask for. Now let us dine and drink to family."


Everyone raised their glasses with smiles on their faces in response and then dinner had begun to be served. By the third dish I was well on my way to being full, and Madame did not stop with the lessons. However, this time she was embarrassingly drunk, and, in some way, I understood why. It had been very stressful day. No thanks to Bash, but after all he put us through, I was sure nothing to come could match the disorder he had already caused.

I laughed with Devolle and Alveary about how red Madame's cheeks were. It was the first time Alveary smiled and enjoyed herself since I had met her. It was clear the attitude and rude behavior she displayed previously was a façade she adorned to mask the sadness in her eyes. Something had been bothering her and after spending more time with her, I could tell that the almost destroyed relationship between her and her mother was the cause for her irritability.

By the end of the dinner, I was sure I would not be hungry for at least an entire week. Madame had come down from the seven glasses of wine she had at dinner rather quickly, at least it seemed like it, and asked me to join her in the drawing room.

"Devolle, do bring us some tea dear."

I was tired, all the dancing, walking and talking I did most of the day had worn me out faster than what I was used to doing at home. Not to mention I did it all in a corset. I was genuinely surprised that I had not passed out once since I put it on that morning. Other than the scene before dinner I had a wonderful day, and I was going to miss being at the estate after everything was said and done. The only thing that would have made the experience better was if Papa could have been there to enjoy it as well.

"Isabelle, what do you think of me?" Madame's voice was still softened by the wine. I watched as Devolle served the tea as I tried to find a way to answer her question without offense.

"Well, at first you came across cold and indifferent, perhaps stark? Extremely intimidating if I might add."

"Do I still come across frightening and insensitive?" She raised her right eyebrow at me.

"On the contrary. After I got to know you, I started to see your kind, caring and protective side that you hide behind the scary Marchioness Façade. I have come to find that I enjoy being in your company, and home. We all have our issues, we are human after all, but I believe you might be the smartest, kindest, understanding person I have ever met. You remind me a lot of my mother." I gave her a sincere smile.

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