Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The entire ride down the mountain Alveary and I were not permitted to talk with one another, and upon arrival at Madame Fontaine's estate, we were not allowed to say our goodbyes.

Sebastian had made it rather clear that I was his prisoner and that he was more than happy to alienate me from others.

The first thing he did when we walked into the Merlae estate was instruct all of his servants to make sure that I never left the property and that I was accounted for at all times. Inside there was no limit to where I could go, because he honestly did not care. Outside, however, was a different story. I was allowed a few hours a day, if that, to stroll around the gardens.

After mine and Sebastian's conversation that took place in my room before we were all told we could go home, he must have had all my things packed, which was not much, then instructed the servants to place them into his carriage at once. His things had already been packed so I assumed he knew ahead of time that Adam was going to send all of us home.

I did not feel the need to ask Sebastian what he and Adam had arranged as compensation for him assisting in slaying the witch, because it was obvious. He requested Adam let all of us go. With the curse not being broken, as well as Justine's death, Adam had more than enough reason to comply.

Yet, why Adam had not told me the terms of their agreement before hand illuded me.

Once shown to room of my own, I only unpacked my dresses. I had no intentions on being there long enough to get comfortable, nor was I going to make the Merlae estate my home. Despite his tenacity, and unwillingness to give up, I refused to accept his hand in marriage and would continue to do as such. No matter how trapped he made me feel, how alone and helpless, I was not going to let him win.

For a little over month, I did the same thing every day. I ate, walked around aimlessly, and slept. Sebastian had been busy working trying to make up for all the time that he spent at the castle and had been far too preoccupied to think about me even being there, let alone make wedding plans. Despite that, he did however assure me that once he had finished all the catching up he had to do, we were going to get married promptly. Luckily de had a few more weeks to go before all his work was entirely caught up, which I was thankful for because it gave me time to figure out how to escape.

I had made friends with some of the servants and had finally talked one into carrying letters to and from the Fontaine estate. That allowed me to get into contact with Madame, who seemed more than upset when she replied. She told me in several letters that she would find a way to get me out of there, but it would take a while.

I passed the time translating sections of the book the witch had dropped, looking for something that mentioned curses or spells. It was taking a long time because I had been teaching myself how to read Latin, rather poorly might I add. Though, the more I translated the more I had begun to remember select words, which started to make the process go by faster.

"I have business in the town today." Sebastian announced at lunch. "I will not be home until after dinner, so, do go ahead and eat without me."

I hardly, if ever, responded to him, which at times made him angry. Though, he had not yet laid his hands on me like he had the night we argued many months ago.

"Do not attempt to leave the house while I am gone, if you do and I find out, you will be punished." He stood up, fixed his sleeves, then walked over to me and quickly kissed me on the cheek. "Soon we will be married, my dear. I have just about completed my work and I am almost ravenous to have you. I do hope you look forward to it."

I slightly flinched at his vague, yet unsettling words. I knew what he meant, and it made me physically sick. After he had completely left the room, took my napkin and wiped my cheek in an attempt to erase him from my skin.

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